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Facebook Funnel Strategy

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Here is a training module from inside our Business Accelerator Program.

This module is from Week Seven and covers our advanced Facebook Funnel strategy that you can use to scale your Facebook ads to $1,000 per day and beyond – without experiencing ad/audience fatigue.


Hey everyone. It’s Connor Marriott here and welcome to today’s training titled, Advanced Facebook Ads Strategies. In this module, I’ll be covering our Facebook funnel strategy, which is the strategy that we use every single day and it’s incredibly effective when you’re trying to scale up your Facebook ad account. In week four, we covered a lot of strategies to run Facebook ads, to create effective ads and to scale your ad account, which will allow you to scale your account to a thousand dollars a day, even more than that, even beyond. However, as you start to spend more, $2,000, $3,000, $5,000 a day plus, then what happens often is your ads will start to become less effective. Your audiences will stop converting and ultimately you’ll struggle to scale. Now, a big reason for this is because when most people try to scale, they’re not actually targeting new audiences. They’re just showing the same ads to the same audiences and these ads become less and less effective because you get this fatigue where your audiences just see the same ads over and over and they start converting.

This strategy, what it allows you to do is consistently bring in new people into your audiences so that you’re able to continue to grow, continue to scale, and your ads will stay as effective as it has been, even as you’re spending $3,000 a day, $5,000 a day, even more than that with this strategy. That’s what we’ll be breaking down today. What we’ll be covering is our Facebook funnel strategy. Then following that, we’ll also be covering some Facebook ad account best practices, because as you do start to spend more, it is important that you understand how to keep your ad account healthy and safe so that it doesn’t get disabled. Because if you are spending several thousand dollars a day, chances are that that’s making up a big portion of your business’s revenue streams. So you want to do everything you can to try to protect your ad accounts from being shut down.

Let’s start off talking about our Facebook funnel strategy. By this point, we’ve covered some fairly advanced Facebook ad practices. We’ve covered launching ads, basically targeting, optimizing and scaling strategies. These strategies will be more than enough for you to scale your ads from hundreds, if not thousand dollars a day spent. However, there is one strategy that we have not spoken about, which can be very effective as you start to increase your daily spend, and that is the Facebook funnel strategy. As we know, when running Facebook ads, there are multiple campaign objectives we can choose from. Up until now, we’ve really just been focused on the conversion objective. This objective is the best to use because it will target the people who are most likely to convert. So up until this point, we’ve only been focused on the conversion objective because it’s going to show your ads to people who are likely to convert. However, as with everything, there are pros and cons to using this objective exclusively.

The main drawback of using the conversions objective is that due to its targeting, it’s targeting the highest quality traffic. What that means is that the cost to target that traffic is going to be higher. The CPM is going to be higher because we’re telling Facebook, we want to show our ad to the traffic than are the most likely to convert. Now, every other advertiser is also trying to target that traffic. So the cost is going to be a lot higher. That’s one problem. The other problem is that as we know, people need to see something multiple times before they’ll be ready to make a buying decision. While there are still a lot of benefits to targeting cold traffic with conversion campaigns, using other campaign objections can be useful as well. So if someone is in the audience that Facebook deems ready to convert, this would be who would be targeted in a conversion campaign. They’re likely to take an action.

However, if you’re just running a conversion campaign, it is also likely that if that person has just become likely to take an action, they’re probably going to only see your ad for the first time at that moment. So what Facebook is doing, it’s looking at users behaviors on all different platforms, websites. Let’s say someone’s started searching, let’s say they started searching how to lose weight and let’s say you’re a weight loss coach. Well, Facebook will then see that this person has started researching how to lose weight and therefore, would assume that this person might be likely to convert for your free training on how to lose weight as an example. It will then show your ad to that person at that time. That’s great because your ads being seen by the right people at the right time. However, we also know that people need to see things multiple times before they’re ready to really take an action.

If that person who is looking to lose weight sees your ad at the right time, but it’s the first time they’ve ever heard of you, then the likelihood that they take that action is going to be lower. So if we only use the conversion objective, yes, we get the best traffic and yes, we get the best traffic at the best time, but we’re not just dealing with numbers and algorithms. We’re actually dealing with humans. Just because we put the best ad in front of the best traffic at the best time, well, there’s still a human on the other side of that phone or computer. If they don’t know who you are, it doesn’t matter how good that targeting is. Some people are still not going to take an action because they just don’t know who you are. There’s no familiarity, there’s no trust. So by using different objectives, what we can do is get our message in front of people at different times when they’re not ready to convert.

By doing that, what we’re able to do is number one, push them to the point where they are ready to convert. Number two, build that brand, build that audience, build that familiarity so that when they are ready to convert and they do see that right ad at the right time, they actually take an action. What we do is rather than just running a campaign on Facebook, we break it into three sections. We have a top of funnel campaign or a cold campaign, we have a middle of funnel or a warm campaign and we have a bottom of funnel or a hot campaign. So the way this works for a visual standpoint, let’s say you’re targeting this audience and just hypothetically, let’s say, this is the audience of people who like fitness. Well, within that audience, if you’re running a conversion campaign, you’re only going to be showing your ad to a small section of that audience because these are the people who are likely to convert.

If there’s a million people in this audience that you’re targeting, if you’re running a conversion campaign, your ad will not be seen by a million people. It will only be seen by the people who are likely to convert. This might be 50,000 people or a hundred thousand people. So your ads are showing to this pocket of the audience who are likely to convert. Some people are converting, some people aren’t. What’s also important to understand is that the people that are in this pocket, the people who are likely to convert, that is dynamic. Meaning, some people will be coming likely to convert. Some people will not be likely to convert based on what they’re doing, as the example I use. Someone might start researching how to lose weight. Well, now Facebook might put them into this audience of people who are likely to convert.

On the other hand, someone may have just bought a weight loss program. Therefore, they’re probably unlikely to convert. So they may be taken out of this pocket. So you have the audience, you have the people you’re actually targeting. This pocket is constantly changing, filling up with people who are likely to convert, and then people who are unlikely to convert are also leaving. So if you’re running a conversion campaign, you’re only targeting this pocket and your ability to control the people coming in and out of it is very limited. What we can do is run different campaign objectives, for example, a video views campaign and an engagement campaign. This will go out to different segments of the audience. For example, if you run a video views campaign, Facebook will show that not just the people who are likely to convert, but it will show that to people who are likely to watch a video. These are very different people. Same with an engagement campaign.

If you run an engagement campaign, Facebook will show this, not to people who are likely to convert, not to people who are likely to watch a video, but people who are likely to engage. Meaning click on it, like it, share it, comment it, whatever that is. So we have this overall audience, for example, people who like fitness, we have people who are likely to convert, who your conversion campaign will be showing to, and we have people who are likely to watch videos, and we have people who are likely to engage. Now, if we’re running an engagement campaign and a video views campaign, we’re actually targeting more people in this audience. What that’s going to allow us to do is warm up different pockets of this audience. Let’s say someone who is not likely to convert, but is likely to watch a video, sees your video app and you give some great information.

Well, what that might then do is put them on the journey of actually wanting to learn more about losing weight. Then they might go do some research and then Facebook might see that they’re doing that, and then they might push them into that pocket that is now likely to convert. What we’re able to do is actually manipulate the people in this audience to push them to the point where they’re likely to convert. What happens is this pocket of people who are likely to convert will actually grow. Hopefully this makes sense with this visual here, because we’re running different objectives to different pockets of this audience. We’re actually able to influence the entire audience as a whole and push these people who are not originally likely to convert to now become more likely to convert. Now that’s one benefit. But the other benefit is also that when these people become likely to convert, even if we weren’t able to change the size of this audience, if that stayed the same, well, now the people that are becoming likely to convert, they actually know who you are because they’ve already engaged, they’ve already watched your video.

Now when they see that conversion campaign ad, they will actually be more likely to take an action because they know who you are and you’ve warmed them up. You’ve built that relationship. Now, a week later or a month later or a year later, when they are ready to convert, they see your ad and they actually take an action. That’s how this strategy works on the high level. So we have three levels or three layers of this funnel. At the top, we have our awareness campaigns and these are video views or paper engagement. We use high quality content to qualify traffic and provide value. So there’s no call to action, there’s no link or anything like that. It’s just to get those people who are not in the conversion audience and try to increase awareness and give them value.

Then we have our warm or cold campaigns, and these are the conversion campaigns. These are targeting, video view, engagement, and look like audiences, as well as retargeting. People who have watched your videos, have engaged with you and have visited your site. So this is your warm campaign or your middle of funnel. Then we have our hot campaign, and this is targeting people who have begun to check out or watched your training but haven’t booked a call. People that are deep in your funnel, people that have gone through several steps, but haven’t taken that final action. This is a different audience altogether, so we do something different with these people as well. The top of funnel, this will be roughly 20% of your budget. For this example, I’m going to, let’s say your daily budget is a thousand dollars a day, so for the top of funnel, you’ll spend roughly $200 a day, and this will not be for conversion campaigns. This will be on video view and engagement campaigns.

What this allows you to do is introduce your business to new prospects using the lower cost objectives. Remember when I said that when you run a conversion campaign, it costs more because there’s a lot of people, like all the other advertisers are trying to compete for that objective because it’s the best quality traffic? Well, when we run a video view campaign or a paper engagement campaign, there’s less competition. So it costs a lot less. So we’re able to reach a lot more people for a lot cheaper because of that. You might be spending 20% of your budget on a video views campaign, but that will likely reach more people, than the other 80% of your budget targeting a conversions campaign, just because of the objective and there’s less competition. What we can do is we can run a video views campaign or a paper engagement campaign, and we can get people to watch a video, or we can send them to a blog article. What this is going to do is increase trust and familiarity.

These campaigns drive traffic to blog articles or educational videos without a direct call to action, and the goal is to qualify and provide value only, not to sell. Then this traffic data is then used to actually fuel our look like audiences and our retargeting audiences in the middle of the funnel campaign. Basically with this, you can imagine that as ads that are going out and specifically going to find new people and pull those new people into your ecosystem, into your funnel. From there, we have these other campaign objectives that will then continue to stir that pot and move those people through deeper and deeper into your funnel. Which brings us to our middle of funnel. This is going to be roughly 60% or 70% of your budget. The primary section of this funnel we use here is a conversion objective. We can target cold audiences as well as warm traffic.

Now, the difference between our cold campaigns in the middle of funnel and our cold campaigns in the top of funnel is that at the top of funnel, we’re actually going to use exclusions. I’m going to show you how to do this in a moment so this will make more sense. But here we’re actually excluding people, here were doing cold traffic, but we’re not excluding people. So the cold traffic may not necessarily be 100% cold. We’re actually letting Facebook optimize that, but I’m going to show you in a moment, so this will make more sense. But basically what we’re doing is we’re targeting cold traffic and retargeting people who have engaged with us in the past. So it’s a little bit retargeting, it’s a little bit cold, it’s combining that. And because we’ve got that top of funnel campaign, we’re constantly bringing in new people into that ecosystem. So these campaigns continue to work. They don’t become less effective because they’re not just targeting the same pools of people over and over, they’re constantly bringing fresh people into our ecosystem.

Then finally we have the bottom of funnel, and this will be 10% to 15% of your budget. Sometimes even less because the number of people in these audiences are going to be quite small, but this is where we have very specific ads. For example, it could be something like, “Hey, I saw you checked out this product, but didn’t purchase it. Here’s the link to purchase it.” Or it could be, “Hey, I saw you watched our training, but you didn’t book a call. Here’s the link to book a call.” So the bottom of funnel is very specific. It’s very targeted to specific people based on pages that they’ve viewed. So you might say, “Hey, I saw you viewed my landing page, but didn’t opt in for my webinar. Here’s how you can do that.” Obviously you won’t use the word landing page, but you get the idea. Where you might say, “Hey, I saw you visited our product page and added that product to cart, but you didn’t purchase. Well, here’s why you should do that.” So it’s very specific and that’s the bottom of funnel.

I’m actually going to show you how to set this up because this is quite high level. I’m going to show you step by step, how to set this up. Number one, step one is to create your top of funnel campaigns using the video view and/or engagement campaign objectives, sending traffic to a blog or video content. Now, I prefer video content. If you have videos, I suggest that. That’s best. Blogs are fine, but there’s a couple of benefits with videos. Number one is that you actually start to try the relationship because you’re a human talking to a human and that’s going to be better than a human reading a blog. But the second thing is we can target based on video views, which is also pretty cold as well.

Now let’s talk about ad account best practices. To reduce the likelihood that our ad account becomes shut down, I suggest you follow the following practices because Facebook is quite strict and they can shut down ad accounts with no warning. If your primary revenue stream is coming from Facebook ads, then your business is pretty vulnerable at that point. So you want to do everything you can to make sure that your account doesn’t get shut down. Number one is make multiple payment types. In the payment settings of your Facebook ad account, you can add multiple cards and have a primary card and a backup card. I suggest you do that because if you miss payments, Facebook will flag your account and this will hurt your reach. This will hurt your impressions, your relevant score.

Ultimately, it will make it more likely that Facebook just shuts down your account. So you never want to miss payments. You have multiple cards connected to an account. So if one payment doesn’t go through, the other one does and more payment types is going to give Facebook more trust in you as well. So it’s going to be less likely they shut you down. I also suggest having multiple ad accounts set up and ready to run. We have multiple ad accounts that we’re running ads so if one does get shut down, we have other ones that are already running. That’s a really good idea. I also suggest that if you can, if you have other people on your team, to create multiple business managers accounts and multiple pixels that are all running at the same time.

Really what we’re just doing is diversifying within Facebook so that if one account gets shut down, if one business manager account gets shut down, if one profile gets banned, it’s still okay, because you have these other backups, they’re ready to go and they’re already running. They’re all collecting the same data. So it’s not as if like one spending and one’s not getting a benefit. They’re all collectively benefiting because all that data is combined if you have multiple pixels set up so that everything’s working. I also suggest that within your one business manager account, share your pixel data. So don’t just create a pixel on the ad account, create a pixel in the business manager account, and then share that into your different ad accounts. That way if one ad account gets shut down, but that’s okay because the pixel wasn’t associated with that one ad account, it was associated to the entire business manager. Then you can just share that pixel to your other accounts. I suggest you do that.

Finally, as I mentioned, multiple business manager accounts. It’s rare, but basically what will happen is Facebook, if they are going to shut down your ad account, they’ll shut down your ad account. Then if they continue to do that, they’ll shut down your entire business manager account. Then all your ad accounts are shut down. All your pixels in that business manager are shut down. You lose everything. So I suggest you create a backup business manager account, create a backup pixel in that business manager account, put that on your site so you’re still tracking. Maybe run like $10 or $20 a day in that new business manager accounts so you’re still running ads, but still have your primary one. That way, if that primary one gets shut down, you have that backup. It’s already running, it’s already tracking and you’re still good to go and you don’t get affected. This is really how you protect yourself against Facebook shutting you down. We’ve had ad account shutdown. It’s pretty common. Often, actually every time we’ve just sent a request and they’ve approved it a day or two later.

But luckily or fortunately, we’ve set up backup accounts so that one or two days of not running ads hasn’t affected us. But if you just have one ad account and you get shut down for a couple of days and you have no backup, then your business is not going to make any sales over those few days and that’s a bad position to be in. So set up multiples, protect yourself, and then that way you’re always going to be safe. Even if they shut down the account permanently, which has never happened to us, but it does happen. I hear it happened quite a lot. Well, you have other accounts. You have other business managers. You’re never going to be vulnerable to that. So set this up. It’s really going to save you a lot of stress, especially as you are spending more.

If you’re only spending $50 a day, then that’s fine. Don’t worry because you’re not going to lose much data anyway, because you’re not spending much. But when you’re spending more, it’s definitely a good idea to create these backups so that you’re protected. Now you’re ready to take your Facebook ads to the next level. These are great strategies. They’re very effective and they’ve made our campaigns become more and more effective and continue to become more and more effective the more and more we spend, which is excellent. Now you’re armed with those weapons, you can do that to your account and you can protect yourself with those best practices as well. That’s it. Thank you for watching. Hopefully you’ve enjoy this. Good luck, and I’ll see you in the next one.

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