lesson one
Welcome to Genesis! This free online business course is designed for coaches, consultants, experts, DFY service business owners and high-ticket entrepreneurs looking to start and grow their business.
This program is going to show you how to never feel ‘stuck’ in your business again, how to get clarity and focus on exactly what you should be doing to grow, and show you how to never waste money on a course or program again.
Hey, my name’s Connor Marriott, and welcome to Genesis. This is a free online training program for coaches, consultants, experts, high-ticket entrepreneurs. And the reason we’ve created this program fundamentally is we work with coaches, consultants, experts, high-ticket entrepreneurs, and help them grow and scale their business. But sometimes when clients come to us or prospects come to us, they’re not yet at the point they’re ready to scale. And so we’ve created this for those of you who are in the earlier stages of your business to help set the foundations so that you can start getting clients, start growing your business, and then from there, long term, if you would want our help, it’s a good introduction into that.
So it’s for two types of business owners primarily. Those of you who are in the early stages, so making less than $10,000 a month. And the second group is anyone beyond $10,000 a month but feeling like your foundations are not so stable and you may slip back. And so basically that’s what we’re going to be covering, how to really solidify those foundations so you can continue growing and moving forward.
So what we’re going to be covering specifically, I’m going to show you how to never feel stuck in your business again, and how to always know what you should be doing to grow and when. Also, I’m going to be explaining to you and showing you why, if you’ve ever tried online training programs in the past, if they haven’t worked, why that is and how to never waste money on coaches or programs again. I’m also going to show you what to focus on right now based on where you are, depending on the different levels, as well as why things haven’t worked in the past and why they will continue not to work until we know what we’re going to be covering in Genesis.
So why are we putting this together? Well, like I said, we work with coaches, consultants, experts, high-ticket entrepreneurs, done-for-you service owners, and we help them start their business, grow and scale. The way we do that is by helping them develop skills. The problem with teaching skills and the problem with online education in general is that while skills are important and a necessity for success, they are not all that matters. Because you’ve got the skills, but you also have your traits, your individual character traits. And so if we look at skills and traits together, they’re basically multiples. And so you could have a lot of skills, but if you don’t have the right traits, a thousand times zero equals zero.
On the other hand, you may not have such great skills. If you have the right traits, the ultimate aggregate result is much greater. And a good way to think of this would be like an archer shooting a target. Skills is essentially your accuracy, how often you’re hitting the target. Your traits is how often you’re shooting the arrow. And so let’s say you had a 1% accuracy, so not great skills. If you are shooting one time per week, you’re only going to hit the target once every two years. On the other hand, still with that 1% accuracy, so again, not great skills, if you’re shooting a hundred times an hour, you’re going to be hitting the target every single hour. And so traits in the early stages are much more valuable than skills because even with 80% accuracy, so good skill, if you’re shooting one time a week, you’re still only going to be hitting that target two, three times a month.
On the other hand, if you have the traits and then you develop the skill, now you’re hitting it eighty times an hour. And so that’s a brief example of how skills and traits work. Most business owners focus on skills. I need to learn how to do this. I need to learn how to do that. Yet they do not have the traits to actually make the skill useful. And so the first step is focusing on maximizing the traits, how often you’re shooting the arrow. And then from there, step two, you can look at maximizing the skills. We’re going to be covering both of these things in Genesis.
Before we do that, before we get into exactly what we’re going to be covering, I’m going to run through this framework of the different stages of business growth and show you what you should be focusing on at each level so that you can, first of all, identify where you are right now, what you should be focusing on, as well as understanding what you shouldn’t be focusing on and when you should start focusing on those different things.
So essentially there’s three levels of business. There’s actually more, but we’re just going to focus on the first three. Level one is from zero to $30,000 a month. Level two is from $30,000 to $300,000 a month. And level three is $300,000 to $3 million a month. And so with each level there’s different focuses. Level one is focused on iteration. Level two is focused on leverage. And level three is focused on optimization. And so to go through these levels and the steps within the levels, step one, what you need to be iterating or should be focused on iterating is your message, your market, and your offer. And I’m going to explain why that’s so important in the later trainings and how to actually do it. From there, step two is then focused on lead generation, lead nurture and sales.
So the step one is basically delivery, what you’re offering, how you are explaining that to prospects so that when they see it, they realize that they want to work with you. And then once you’ve done that, and only once you’ve done that, then should you focus on actually generating clients. Because if you have a great message, market and offer, as I’ll explain in a later training, you don’t really need to do much for lead generation and sales because people want what you have. And so only focusing on leveraging those things up after you have the foundations.
From there, level two. Now we can look at leveraging lead generation. So scaling it up, reducing your time. From there, leveraging delivery. So reducing your time in delivery, freeing up your time. And then finally, leveraging sales. So this would be building sales team or whatever your sales process is, removing you from it. So in level two, we’re leveraging things so that you have time. From there, level three is optimizing the delivery, optimizing lifetime value, and then optimizing your acquisition.
So that’s basically the external things you want to be focusing on at the different stages. But just as a tree grows, it’s got height and depth, it’s got branches and roots, as you grow as an entrepreneur, there’s different things you should focus on internally that kind of match this process. And so at the different levels, internally level one, focus on habits, behaviors. Internally level two, mindset and beliefs. Internally level three is on innovation and intellect.
So to break this down sequentially, number one, when you’re just starting out, the number one thing you want to be focused on internally in terms of your own habits and behaviors is action. How many times you’re shooting that arrow, doing the reps, building up your tolerance to actually put in the work. Then from there is accuracy. So the skill. So step one, develop the traits. Step two, develop the skill. From there, beyond $30,000 a month, now you want to start looking at your beliefs around money, around confidence, around growth, around vision. This is when any limiting beliefs can start to slow you down. Then from there, your attention, your bandwidth, your focus, your energy becomes really important. And then after that, your conviction and confidence and certainty in what you are doing, because at this point you’re starting to build a team. And so you need to transfer that conviction and confidence to them.
Then finally, level three, internally you want to be thinking about and innovating around service innovation. Then user experience. And then from there, brand identity. That’s basically the stages. What we’re going to be covering in Genesis is this first stage here. And then in Evolution, which is one of our other programs, we cover these three steps, which is basically the foundations, lead generation sales, and then leveraging lead generation to scale it up. And then in our backend program, Apex, we cover these latest stages as you continue to grow.
So what we’ll be covering in Genesis specifically in module two, which is the next one, we’re going to be walking through the expectations as a business owner. So the number one requirement of being a successful business owner as well as the five pitfalls to look out for that will keep you stuck. This is probably the most important module of all of them. So if you’re only going to watch one, I advise you to watch that one. Then from there, number three is going to be actions. So the different areas of your business, what you should be focusing on, and when and how, and avoiding the trap that 95% businesses fall into that will ultimately keep you stuck. Then from there looking at delivery. So messaging, offer, market, building that out so that it is something that people want and you’re able to attract clients.
Your delivery. So messaging and offer is the determining factor of the success of your marketing and sales. So if you are struggling with marketing or sales, you’re not getting leads or you’re not making sales, then it’s very, very likely the issue is not with your marketing and sales, it’s with your delivery. So we’re going to cover that in module four. And module five, we’re going to be talking about acquisition. So explaining the two areas of lead generation, how to generate leads. And then from there, the steps required to turn those leads into calls, lead nurture, and finally the four levels of sales mastery so you can start making sales. That is the high level. This is going to be a lot of really great content, especially those of you in the early stages. We’re going to move pretty quickly. So I’ll see you in the next module.
lesson two
Setting Expectations
Welcome to module two of Genesis. In this module, we’re going to be talking about the expectations and requirements of having a successful business. Here’s what we’re going to cover:
– Your #1 requirement as a business owner
– The 5 pitfalls to avoid that are keeping you stuck
Hey, it’s Connor Marriott here and welcome to module two of Genesis. This is the free training program for coaches, consultants, experts, and high ticket entrepreneurs in the earliest stages of their business. In this module, module two, we’re going to be talking about the expectations and requirements of having a successful business. So a lot of people want a successful business, but very often, you’ll hear things like, “It’s easy and you can do it with 30 minutes a day.” In this video and in this module, I’m going to set the actual requirements and expectations of what is required and also the five pitfalls that you may fall into and how to avoid them because if you do fall into them, they will keep you stuck in business. And so, this is not going to be some sugar-coated, fancy, “It’s easy,” kind of thing. This is going to be the real requirements.
To get what most people don’t have, you need to be prepared to do what most people won’t do. Having a successful business is not easy, despite what people online may tell you. You can’t click a button and make money. You can’t do it in 10 minutes a day with zero effort. It’s impossible without effort, time, and sacrifice. But in saying that, it is 100% worth it. So when you start your business, if you are just starting out, you need to have the expectation that nothing good is going to happen in your business for the next two to three years. Once you have that expectation, you still want to do it anyway. A lot of the people, they start a business because they think, “If I work hard for two weeks, I’ll be a millionaire.” And very rarely does that happen if ever. And so, if you are expecting that to happen or something similar and it doesn’t happen, you will be discouraged and you’ll quit.
If you have the expectation that nothing good is going to happen for two years and you still want the outcome and having the outcome is worth going through that for two, three years, then you have the right expectation. Now, will it take two, three years? Hopefully not. But if that is your expectation, you won’t be disappointed. And so, if achieving your goal is not worth going through that, then don’t start. If, as I said, that you thought, “Two years? That’s a long time to have a successful business and live life the way I want to live it,” not worth it. If that’s what you thought, don’t start because you won’t get there because there will be challenges. There will be roadblocks. If your expectation is, “It’s going to be easy and I’ll get there by tomorrow,” you’re setting yourself up for failure.
What is a successful business? Well, first of all, why do people buy things? People won’t just buy anything. People have choice. They have lots of choice and people will only choose to buy something if they believe it is good. So, what is good? Well, good is not an objective measure. It is only determined by contrast, right? There’s no good business or bad business on its own. You can only determine that by looking at the alternatives and something can only be good when compared to the alternatives. As the alternative changes, meaning, as other businesses improve, the measure of good changes with it, right? You might have a business that’s good. 10 years from now, if everyone else keeps improving and you don’t, no longer good. And so, something is only good if it is better and the only way to make something better is with time and effort.
You can’t have a good business if you’re not doing those things because good is not good. Good is not objective. It’s compared to everyone else. If everyone else is putting in effort to make it better and you are not, you will lose. And so, aiming for the best. The vast majority of money in any market will go to the business that is the best. And so if you want money, if you want a successful business, it’s not a question of, “Should I try to make this the best?” It’s the requirement. And so, understand that. If you’re looking at, “How can I do this in two minutes a day?” Then you’re not going to make it the best and therefore, you will not receive compensation in the form of money. And so, why passive income is bullshit. It’s a lie. If people are telling you, you can make money online, passive income, it doesn’t exist because like I said, people will buy things that are good.
The only way to make something good is with effort. Even if you had something that was good, even if you had a business that was somehow making money, if you stop improving it, within about seven minutes, someone else is going to make it better. And then, the customers are going to go to that thing. And so, you can’t be the best if you’re not willing to do the things that actually make you the best. The reason is the people you’re competing against, your competition, they are willing to do those things and that is what people will buy. The best. Not the worst, not average, only the best. This is hard. Well, understand that everything is hard in life. Everything has problems. Every path you go down, there’ll be suffering. There’ll be problems. There’ll be hardship.
So the question is not, “Do I want to do this thing that sounds hard?” The question is, “What version of hard do I want?” Because no matter what you do, it will be hard. Whether you put in the work to have a successful business, or you don’t do that and do nothing, there’s going to be hard. Different types of hard, but both hard. So the question is not, “Do I want the thing that’s hard?” The question is, “What hard am I prepared for?” And so as a business owner, the number one requirement of being a business owner is that you are willing and prepared to constantly learn new skills, constantly make yourself better. The best business owners understand every single area of their business: marketing, sales, fulfillment, delivery, retention, technology, accounting, all of it. The myth of the CEO who doesn’t know anything and just sits back in the chair smoking cigars, that also doesn’t exist.
And so, a big problem that a lot of businesses or business owners have, especially in the early stages, is they don’t want to learn things. They don’t want to do things outside of their scope. For example, if you’re a coach, you might just want to do coaching. I just want to coach people. I don’t want to worry about marketing, or ads, or funnels, or sales, or accounting, or anything else. I just want to coach people. And if that’s the case, get a job as a coach. Don’t have a business, because a business owner needs to know these things. If you’re not sure why, well, let me give you an example. Let’s say, there’s two business owners. Business owner one understands 10 areas of their business. So marketing, sales, fulfillment, technology, retention, lifetime value, all those different things. Business owner number two understands one area. Let’s say, it’s coaching.
Again, understand that everyone has a choice in business. And so, if your customers want to buy a product, who do you think they would rather buy from? The business owner that knows 10 things, or the business owner that knows one thing? Probably, the one that knows 10, right? Who do you think is going to be able to create a better product? The person that knows 10 things, or the person that knows one? The person that knows 10. Who do you think is going to get better client results? The person that knows 10 things, or the person that knows one thing? And so, the reason you need to learn new skills and constantly be doing that is because you are competing against other people and that’s what they are doing.
And so if you’re not willing to do that, you won’t beat them. You won’t even come close and therefore, customers wouldn’t want to work with you. And if you’re thinking, “Well, I’ll just hire someone else to do it for me. I don’t want to learn marketing. I can hire someone,” or, “I don’t want to learn sales. I can hire someone,” well, understand, employees, they have choice too. And so, who do you think a talented employee would rather work with? The business owner that knows one thing, or the business owner that knows 10 things? They’re going to want to work with the business owner that knows 10 every single day. And so, you won’t be able to hire people to do this for you because they can get jobs with someone who does know this stuff. And so, that is the requirements of a business owner.
Now, let’s talk about the five pitfalls that you want to avoid. There’s number one, sacrifice; number two, effort; number three, capacity; number four, focus; and number five, risk. So number one, sacrifice. Achieving something new requires sacrificing something old. You can’t just add more. You need to subtract. The size of your goal will determine the size of sacrifice. And so let’s say, this is your life now. You’ve got these different areas. Maybe, this is going to parties, hanging out with people on the weekends, drinking beers, whatever those different areas are. And then let’s say, this is your goal, to have a successful business. Well, right now, this doesn’t fit. There’s no space for it. So, it won’t be achieved because there’s no place it can go. And so, what we need to do is sacrifice some of these things to create space for the goal.
The bigger the goal, the greater the sacrifice, right? If you have a smaller goal, you may not need to sacrifice that much. Bigger goal? Maybe, a bit more. If you have a big goal? Probably going to have to sacrifice a lot. And so, understand that. You can’t keep everything the same and hope to achieve something great. People don’t want change. They want everything to stay the same, yet somehow get better. That doesn’t really exist. So understand, depending on your goal, that will determine what you need to sacrifice and how much, the level of your sacrifice. That might change over time. You might start here and decide you want to take it to the next level, or maybe you get to this level and decide you want to dial it back. It doesn’t need to be set in stone, but understand there will need to be some level of sacrifice depending on what it is you want to achieve.
Number two is effort. So, average begets average. You can’t do average and expect great. You can expect average, because that’s what average gets. And so when it comes to effort, you can’t do what everyone else is doing and expect to get a better result. You need to look at what everyone else is doing and do 10 times more. There’s a story that I tell quite frequently and this is basically how I learned this. It was when I was in high school, I played guitar. I played guitar, I learned guitar, I had guitar lessons for about four years up until this point and I was no better than everyone else in my year, everyone else in my grade. We were all about the same school level. There was this one student who was two years older than me and he was insanely good. He was on a whole other level. It turns out my guitar teacher was his guitar teacher as well.
And so I asked my guitar teacher, “What does this guy do? What are you teaching him that you’re not teaching me? Why am I not that good?” And my guitar teacher said, “I don’t teach Nick,” Nick was his name, “anything different. The thing about Nick is that when I give him homework to learn the intro of a song, he won’t just learn the intro. He’ll learn the intro, the verses, the chorus, the solo, and three other songs by that same artist. And he’ll do that every single week.” That’s when I realized you can’t do what’s expected of you. Up until that point, I was doing what was asked. I was doing the homework every week. I was practicing at the exact level I was told to practice that and I wasn’t very good. There was this other guy who was doing 20 times more than that and he was very good.
And so from that point, I started putting in more effort and work and doing more than what was asked of me, more than what was required, more than average. All of a sudden, I got quite good at the guitar. And so, I’ve applied this to everything I do moving forward and this is hopefully what you can apply to your business. I read that the average CEO reads 50 books a year. And so, do I want to be average? No. So I started reading a book a day, which is 365 a year, and I did that for about three years. I remember when I first started in business, I started sending emails to businesses to get clients. On my first day, I sent about 30 emails and I didn’t get any replies and I thought, “Well, I guess, sending emails doesn’t work.”
A few years later, we retried the strategy, except we were sending about 200,000 emails out and it started to work surprisingly. And so, often we think something’s not working just because we’re not doing enough of it. Another example, I remember when I saw this in contrast to a different business owner. At this time, I was doing about a hundred cold calls a day and I was booking meetings. I spoke to this other business owner and he’s like, “Oh, I’m doing cold calls and it’s not really working.” I said, “How many are you doing?” And he said, “About 10 a week.” I was doing a hundred a day and seeing a result. And so, the amount of effort you put into something determines the result you get. If you want an average result, do your average, do what everyone else is doing. If you want a great result, you need to do more.
Number three is capacity. And so, often we think something isn’t working simply because we’re not doing enough. There’s this threshold of effort and work that’s required to actually see if something’s working. So, let’s give you an example. If we look at an archer shooting a bow at a target, and let’s say, he’s shooting once a week. If he’s got a 1% accuracy, well, he’s not going to hit it. He’ll say something like, “I tried it for a week and it didn’t work obviously.” And then let’s say, he moved onto a different strategy and this strategy had a 30% accuracy. If he’s just shooting one time a week, he’s still going to say, “I tried it for a week and it didn’t work.” And so, he’s going to move on to another strategy and let’s say, this one’s a 20% accuracy. And again, “I tried it for a week. It didn’t work.” It’s not because the strategy didn’t work. It’s because he wasn’t shooting often enough. He’s basically going to give up and say, “Nothing works.”
This is what most business owners do. They’ll try a lot of different things not at the capacity required to actually achieve a result and they’ll say, “It doesn’t work,” and they’ll do something else. “It doesn’t work.” So, they didn’t do anything enough. On the other hand, if we have someone who’s shooting a hundred times a day at a 1% accuracy, he’s going to see, “Okay, this is hitting the target 20 times a month.” He then moves on to a different strategy and let’s say, this is 20% accuracy. Now, he’s going to say, “Okay, I tried this for a month and I got 400. This is better than the other one. I can actually see the result.” And then, he tries a new strategy that is 50% accuracy and he can say, “I tried this for a month. I got a thousand. This is the best strategy.” He can only see that because he’s doing the work required.
The first example, same strategies, didn’t get the result because the effort, the capacity was not reached. And so if we look at the strategy, there’s the effectiveness of the strategy and then there’re the efforts put into the strategy. And so let’s say, you’re using one method right now to get clients and it’s getting you one client a month. Well, you might say, “This isn’t working,” but if you actually ramp that up and did more of it, it might be able to get you five clients a month. And then let’s say, there’s a different strategy over here, strategy number two, and let’s say that’s capable of getting you 20 clients a month.
So it is a better strategy, but again, if you are only doing very low effort, it’s going to get you the same result as the first one. And so, the way you want to look at growing a business is not, “What strategy is best?” “What strategy can I change?” “This isn’t working. Let me do that.” Instead, look at, “What am I doing now? How can I increase the capacity of what I’m doing to actually see if this is effective?” Only once you’ve reached the capacity, then move to the next one, so you can see the difference. You can see if it’s actually working. If you shoot the arrow once a week, no strategy is going to work. If you shoot it a hundred times a day, you’re going to see the result very quickly.
Pitfall number four is a lack of focus. And so question, how many books do you need to read on a topic to become an expert on that topic? One book? 10 books? A hundred books? Let’s say, it’s a hundred. If it takes a hundred books to become an expert on a topic and you read two books, does it mean those books didn’t work? Would you say, “This isn’t working. I give up. I’m going to try something else?” Or would you understand that those two books are a part of the hundred that’s required to achieve the goal? And so, this is how strategies work. This is how business works. How many attempts does it take to make a business work? One? 10? A hundred? A thousand? And so, if you try one thing once and you don’t get the result, does it mean it was the wrong thing? Does it mean it didn’t work? Would you stop and move onto something else, or would you understand that it takes reps to achieve anything?
And so the question is not, will this work? The question is I’m going to make it work… Well, it’s not even a question. The decision is, I’m going to make it work because everything can work. Anything can work. Door to door can work. Cold calls can work. Ads can work. Newsletter marketing can work. Everything can work. The question is, are you going to make it work, or are you going to look at something, try it, say it didn’t work, and then move on something else and continue changing thing to thing and never see the result? There are a thousand decisions between you and your goal and if you make the wrong decision or you feel like you made the wrong decision, the worst thing you can do is stop making decisions. You can’t make decision number 1000, if you never make decision number two. And so, when you try something that doesn’t work, it doesn’t mean quit. It doesn’t mean stop. Just keep trying. It takes several books to become an expert. Don’t just read one and say, “I give up.”
Finally, pitfall number five is risk. So as a business owner, you need to understand how risk works because everything you do has a risk. There’s risk in everything. Nothing is guaranteed. We speak to a lot of business owners about, “Well, how do I know ads are going to work? Do you have a guarantee it’s going to work?” And as a business owner, everything you do has risk, right? You might hire and train an employee for three months, and then they leave. There’s a risk there. You might launch a new product and buy all the inventory, launch it, and it flops. That’s a risk. Everything you do has a risk. On the other hand, employees tend to look for options that are risk-free and the employee will look for the job with good salary, nice benefits. They’re trying to minimize risk. A business owner knows that everything has risk in business and they don’t look for the risk-free options. They compare the risk and they make decisions despite of the risk.
And so if you’re looking for things like a guarantee or, “I’m only going to start this if I know it’s going to work 100%,” then you’re thinking like an employee, not a business owner. You need to start comparing the risk, understanding, not being foolish, and choosing the options with very high risk and low potential return. But there is going to be risk. And so, the strength of a business owner is not to find the risk-free options because they don’t exist. The strength of a business owner is being able to compare the risk and make decisions in spite of risk, knowing the risk, understanding the risk, and choosing to take action anyway.
Just to recap this Expectations module, hopefully, this doesn’t scare you off business too much. I want to set the expectations, so you understand what’s actually required rather than telling you, “It’s easy and it’s clicks and buttons and all of a sudden, you’re a millionaire.” That doesn’t exist. Anyone telling you that is probably lying to you. So to get something most people don’t have, you need to be willing to do things most people won’t do and that is impossible without effort, time, and sacrifice. The five pitfalls to avoid: lack of sacrifice; lack of effort; lack of capacity, increasing your capacity; lack of focus; and trying to avoid risk. That’s it for this Expectations module. Moving forward, we’re going to get into more tactical strategies. So, I look forward to seeing you in the next module.
lesson three
Focus Actions
Welcome to module three of Genesis. In this module, we’re going to be breaking down exactly what to be focusing on in your business and why. Here’s what we’re going to cover:
– The two core areas of a business
– The mistake 95% of business owners make
– The impact of iteration, comparing average to great
Welcome to the third module in the Genesis Training Program. In this module, we’re going to be talking about actions. And so if you are a business owner and you are at the point where you’ve been trying different things, different strategies and you’re not getting the result you want, and you’re not sure why it’s not working, then this module is going to be perfect for you. We’re going to explain basically what you should be focusing on, how that affects the results you get so that you know what you can be focused on and what you can avoid.
So in the previous module we basically spoke about what’s required and the pitfalls to look out for. So now you know what to avoid, the question is what do you actually focus on? What should you be doing? So that’s what we’re going to get to right now. So primarily you can break a business up into two core areas. You have acquisition, which is how you get clients, how you make sales. And then you have delivery, which is what you do once you make a sale. So acquisition is basically getting clients, delivery is fulfilling on the clients that you generated.
Within that, we can break it down further. Within the acquisition, we’ve got lead generation, so getting a lead. We’ve got lead nurture, warming that lead up and then finally sales, which is the process of converting that warm lead into a client. For delivery, we’ve got your messaging, which is basically what you are saying you’re doing, who you’re talking to and how. Your offer, which is essentially what you’re offering people. And then your fulfillment, which is then delivering or fulfilling on that offer, that promise that you made.
So most people in the early stages especially and later on, to be honest that’s where most people focus, focus entirely on acquisition and often it doesn’t work. And so instead we want to be focusing here and I’m going to explain why. So this is the process of getting a client essentially. You generate a lead, you then warm up that lead, you then make a sale and then you have a client. They were the steps of making a sale.
Well, your messaging is going to determine your lead generation and your lead nurture. How can you run an ad? How can you do a post? How can you attract someone if you don’t know who you’re talking to and what you’re saying to them? So you need messaging for these things to work. And then your offer is going to determine how your sales process goes and the percent of people that buy. Because your offer is essentially, here’s what I do, do you want it? And so if that’s not good, no one’s going to buy it. If your messaging isn’t good no one’s going to respond to your marketing. If your offer isn’t good no one’s going to convert with your sales.
And so to explain this a bit more, if we look at the business underneath that, we have your message and your offer, your messaging and your offer. Underneath those two areas, underneath your message, that is used for lead generation and lead nurture. And then your offer is used for sales and then fulfillment. What you’re actually going to be doing with the client that you generate. These are what we use to create the things below, right? You can’t do lead generation if you don’t have a clear message, it’s not going to work. You can’t do sales if you don’t have a clear offer. What are you going to sell that person?
Below that are these things. Things like ads, funnels, content, website, branding, emails, your price point, your process, your service, generating referrals is based on your fulfillment. And your retention is also based on your fulfillment. So these things, your message and your offer determine these things. Lead generation, lead nurture, sales and fulfillment. These things can’t exist if we don’t have the things above them. And so if this is bad, your message and offer are bad, meaning people aren’t responding, then this has to be bad. It can’t not be because they’re built below the message and the offer.
It’s impossible to have good lead generation if you don’t have good messaging, because an ad is saying a message. A post is saying a message. What’s the message? If you don’t have a message, what’s that going to say? It’s not going to work. And so if this is good, then this is good. And so how do you determine what’s good? If we need good message and offer, how do we determine what’s good? Well, you don’t. Here’s the thing. So it’s not up to you to decide if your message or your offer are good. It’s only up to your market.
We speak to a lot of people and they say, “I’ve done messaging. I’ve built my offer and it’s done, but I’m not making any sales. I don’t have any clients.” Well then you haven’t done it because it’s not up to you to decide if you’ve done it or if it’s good enough, it’s up to the market. Only the market can decide. So the only way you know if something is good is if the market wants it. If they don’t want it, it’s not good. You can’t decide what the market want. You need to find out what they want. You can’t just sit back and think, my market want this. This is going to be a good offer. This is good messaging. They need to decide. They need to tell you.
And so this means that what people think they want or sorry, what you think people want and what people actually want can be two very different things. And so the first step is finding out what people actually want by iterating your message in your offer until you find something that clicks. And so we basically want to test and iterate your message and your offer and find something that clicks and you’ll know when it clicks. There’ll be no mistaking it. Because often, we work with clients and they won’t have a good message.
They’re posting on social media every day and they’re not getting any response. They improve their messaging to the point that it’s good and they do one post and they get three clients. That is a difference. So you’ll know when it’s good. There’s no mistaking it. But if you are questioning if it’s good, then I can tell you it’s not good. So we want to keep iterating these things until it clicks and only then start looking at these things. And then from there we can start looking at these other things. So how do we actually iterate? Well, I’ll just give you an example of this.
Let’s say you help people with weight loss. That’s what you do. That’s a process, but the messaging and the offer we can change. And so we can look at, who is this for? It could be hypothetically parents, professionals or athletes. We could look at what do they want? Maybe it’s more confidence. It could be more energy. It could be more focus. We could look at why they want those things. Maybe they want a new job or a promotion. Maybe they want more time to do a specific thing or maybe they want better relationships. And then we can look at how. How this weight loss is going to be delivered. It could be one-on-one or group coaching or a Done For You program or a weekend bootcamp, right? There’s other variations separate to this, but these are just some examples.
So the iteration process is basically matching these different things. Maybe it could be targeting parents who want more energy so that they can spend more time with their kids and that’s delivered in their group coaching setting. It could be professionals who want to be more confident so that they can get a promotion and that could be delivered in a weekend bootcamp. It could be athletes who want more focus so they have more time to train and that could be done in one-on-one coaching. It could be parents who want more confidence so they could have better relationships and find a partner and it could be a Done For You program, right? So what you do stays the same, helping people with weight loss, but the messaging and the offer is what we want to iterate until we find something that clicks.
And so we want to keep testing these things and finally find what works. But keep in mind if this changes, if your message and your offer change, then everything else needs to change. If you change your message, if you change your offer, then you need to change your ads, your content, your website, your branding. And so we don’t want to start there. We want to start with the message because that is what everything else is built on. We want to start with the offer because that’s what all of the other things are built on.
What’s the problem with this? Well, most people, especially in the early stages, spend all their time here. They haven’t thought about the message and they haven’t thought about the offer and what they’re iterating are these things. They’re like, I need a new funnel. So they go out and build a funnel. And then they’re, well, that didn’t work. Maybe I need to post more content. Let me try some more content. And maybe I’ll try ads. That didn’t work. Maybe it’s my price point. I should change my price point. Let’s change that. And then let me build out this five email automation sequence because something’s got to work.
Maybe I need a new website. Let me update my website. And how do I get more referrals, why aren’t they getting any referrals? Maybe I need to improve my branding and let me get some business cards made up or change my logo. Oh no, actually what I needed was a new funnel. Let me go build another funnel. Maybe it’s my process. Maybe I should change how I do my delivery. And then maybe it’s more content. That’s what I need. They basically do this until they figure out that it’s not working and they give up. And the reason is they haven’t done this.
And so we want to start here, either rate it, test it until it clicks. Then once it clicks, think about this and only then think about this because the message, the offer is what everything else is built on. We can’t build a funnel or design the website or worry about the price until we know the message and the offer. So this is the mistake that most business owners make when they’re starting out because they see this business is running out. This business has a funnel. That’s what I need to do. But the only time those things are going to work is if the messaging and the offer are already on point.
And so to show you what this looks like when it’s done correctly, again, going back to this process, you generate leads, you warm up those leads, you make a sale. And then that sale is for your price. Again, lead generation, lead nurture is determined by your messaging and your sales and your price is going to be built off of your offer. So an example of average. If you have average messaging, an average offer, let’s say you’re paying $20 per lead, hypothetically. So you spend $20, you get one lead. And then let’s say 10% of those leads, book a call. And then for your calls, 20% convert. And let’s say your price point is $1,000.
If you are to spend $1,000 on ads that would result in 50 leads at $20 a lead, which would result in five calls, one sale. And that sale is worth $1,000. So you spent $1,000. You made $1,000. Profit, zero. Return on investment, zero. This is why marketing and sales doesn’t work for most people. If we were to improve this, let’s say we would improve the messaging. And we went from average messaging to better messaging, the result of that would be a lower cost per lead and a higher lead to call booking percent. So maybe now we’re paying $10 a lead. 20% of those leads book a call. Now, if we spent a $1,000, we’re going to be making $5,000. So we’ve spent one, made five. And so it’s $4,000 profit. Four times ROI. Not bad.
Now, if we look at the offer, let’s say we improve the offer. Well, now, by improving the offer, our calls are converting at 40% and maybe we increase the price to $3,000. So, now, for that same $1,000 spend, now we’ve made $24,000 revenue, which is 23,000 profit. 23 times ROI, return on investment. Meaning for every dollar we spend, we make $23 back. And then an example of good, when this stuff is really good and clicking, you could be getting $5 leads, 30% of leads book calls, 50% of calls convert, and you’re charging $5,000. These are not made up numbers. This is a rough idea of what our clients do.
And so with this same $1,000 ad spend, now you’ve made $150,000 in revenue, which is $149,000 in profit and 149 times ROI. And so the difference between making $0 from marketing and sales and making $150,000, is not the system, that was the same. It’s not the spend, that was the same. It’s the message and the offer. And so this is why this is so important. It determines everything you do. If marketing isn’t working, if ads aren’t working, if files aren’t working, if sales aren’t working, whatever it is, it’s not a problem with the system. The system can work only if you have the right messaging, if you have the right offer.
And so that’s what we’re going to be going through in the next module. This was just explaining how this works. And if you’ve tried different things and they’re not working, and if you feel like I’ve done messaging, I’ve built an offer, but I’m still not getting clients. Then you haven’t done it because it’s not your decision. And it’s not my decision either. It’s not me telling you this. It’s the market telling you this.
So just to recap, your business can be broken down into two core areas, acquisition and delivery. And it’s not up to you to decide if something is good or bad. Only your market can decide. The better your delivery, which is your messaging and your offer, the better your acquisition. And ads, content funnels, emails, branding should only ever be considered after your delivery has been proven to be good by your market. And if you’ve tried these things, ads, content, funnels, emails, branding, websites, and they’re not working, it’s because your delivery isn’t good. Keep iterating. And again, that’s not my opinion. That’s your market’s opinion because if it was good, these things would work.
That’s the differential between having marketing or ads or funnels that work and them not working. It’s not the system. There’s no magic system that’ll make a bad message be effective. There’s not a magic sales process that will take a bad offer and make it a convert. You need these things first. You need to iterate and from there, everything else will be infinitely times more effective.
lesson four
Mastering Delivery
Welcome to module four of Genesis. In this module, we’re going to be breaking down the 4 areas of Delivery. Here’s what we’re going to cover:
– The 4 Levels of Messaging
– Packaging your offer
– The 3 Elements of Fulfilment
– Pricing your service
Hey, it’s Connor Marriott here and welcome to module four of Genesis. In the previous module, we spoke about why your message and your offer are so important. In this module, we’re going to break down how to actually build them out and make them effective. And by doing that, we’ll make your marketing and your sales more effective. So delivery, the area of delivery can be broken down into four core areas.
Number one is your messaging. And your messaging is essentially the promise, which is what the market want. So your messaging could be, “I help these types of people do this.” That’s the promise, what you’re promising to do. Next, we have the offer and the offer is the process in which you do it, right? So it might be, “I help people lose weight.” The process, which is the offer, could be through a training program, through a diet plan, through one-on-one coaching, right?
So messaging is the promise, what the market want. The offer is the process, which is the way in which they want that thing. Then we’ve got your price, which is essentially the value, what people are willing to pay for that. And then finally fulfillment, which is the service that you offer delivering on the promise you made in the messaging. And so to break down the messaging and the offer a bit more, so you really understand how these work, the messaging is what the market want.
And so hypothetically, let’s say your messaging was helping people get six pack abs. And let’s say that every day there’s 100 people that want that, right? So messaging determines of what people want. In this example, six pack abs. The offer is the way in which they want it. And so one example could be helping people get six pack abs with a six-month daily workout and diet program.
And let’s say that of those 100 people, five of those 100 people wants that outcome in that specific way. Meaning they want six pack abs and they’re happy to do it in a six-month daily workout and diet program. Right? On the other hand, let’s say a different offer, which probably doesn’t exist, but just to give you the example was you take one tablet and get instant results.
Well, now, maybe 95 out of the 100 people want the outcome in that way. So the messaging is the same people. It’s what they want. The offer is the way in which they want it. And the better the way in which they get what you want, the more people that all want it. So the messaging determines who you’re pulling in and how many. The offer determines how many actually convert, because they still want the same outcome. They still want six pack abs, but they may not want to do it in this way and they may prefer that way. And so by improving your messaging, you pull in more people. By improving your offer, you convert more people based on the people that you’re messaging pull in.
And so again, your messaging is how many people you attract, which is essentially marketing. Your offer is how many people you convert, which is sales. And so fundamentally, you have your market, which is who you’re helping. From there, you have your messaging, which is what you’re helping them do, pulling the market into pay attention to you, and that determines your marketing. And then from there your offer, which is how you’re helping them and that’s going to determine the effectiveness of your sales.
So when it comes to messaging, there are four levels of messaging, four ways in which you could construct and craft your messaging and level four is the best, level three is better. Level one and two is what most people use. So level one is focusing on the process. And this is basically like what you do, the tool that you use. So for example, maybe you run Facebook ads. Maybe you write diet plans, right? If your messaging is focused on that process, it’s level one, it’s not very effective. The reason it doesn’t work is that no one wants a process. They want what the process might help them do.
And so talking about the process assumes the market already know what it will do for them, which they don’t for the vast majority of the time. Give you an example. If the process was Facebook ads, so that’s what you do, what does Facebook ads help people achieve? What might be getting them more clients? And then what problem does getting more clients solve?
Well, it might be the problem of lack of growth. But then how is lack of growth experienced by the market? Well, maybe it’s stress. And so for someone to see something saying, “Hey, I help you with the Facebook ads,” they would need to know that Facebook ads will help them get clients and by getting clients, they will solve their problem of lack of growth and they know that lack of growth is what’s causing their stress.
Most people don’t have the awareness of the problem and so it’s going to go over most people’s heads. Another example, if you help people with a diet plan. What’s the diet plan tool? Well, it might achieve weight loss. And so what problems does that solve? Well, maybe it’s solving someone that’s overweight. But how is overweight experienced? Or maybe it’s low energy. So again, for someone to pay attention to you, if you’re saying, “Hey, I help you with diet plans,” they need to know that the diet plan is going to help them lose weight. By losing weight, it’s going to solve their problem of being overweight. And by solving that problem, they’re going to solve their real problem of having low energy. Again, most people don’t have that level of awareness about their problems. So this won’t work. Let’s not say it can’t work. Some people will have this awareness, but the vast majority won’t.
So level two is focused on the outcome, which is basically what that tool or process achieves. So going back to example would be more clients for Facebook ads or weight loss for a diet plan. Why doesn’t this work? Well, it is better than level one, but people experiencing a problem rarely experience the problem as the problem. They only experience the symptom of the problem, right? And so if someone is experiencing lack of growth caused by lack of clients, they’re probably not sitting there thinking, “I have a lack of growth. They’re probably just sitting there and they’re stressed.”
If someone is overweight and they’ve got low energy because of that, they’re probably not thinking, “I’m overweight,” they’re thinking, “I have low energy.” Right? It’s not to say that some people aren’t aware of those things, but most people they’re just like, “I’ve got low energy and I don’t know why. I feel stressed and I don’t know why.” And so focusing on the outcome doesn’t work because you’re expecting people to connect too many dots and most people won’t do that. And so no one wants an outcome on its own, they want what the outcome will get them, e.g., less stress or more energy. And so talking about the outcome assumes the market knows that achieving the outcome will solve their problem, which they don’t.
Next, we have level three messaging, and this is where it starts to become effective, and this is talking about the perceived problem. And that is essentially what the market is experiencing day to day or how the problem is showing up in their lives. So an example would be if they’re experiencing lack of growth, again, it’s showing up as stress. If they’re overweight that might be showing up in their life as low energy. So the perceived problem is what they’re actually experiencing. The reason this works is because if you focus on the perceived problem, you’re speaking to the market at the level that they’re on in that moment, right?
Someone might be experiencing lack of growth, but they’re not thinking constantly, “I have a lack of growth. I have a lack of growth.” They’re just experiencing stress. And so if you’re speaking to that, the stress, they are going to relate to it. You’re speaking to them where they are. And this will also allow you to stand out from everyone else who’s offering the same tool or process as you. There might be 100 people offering Facebook ads, but how many are going to help me reduce my stress? So it becomes a different thing. There’s 100 people that offer diet plans, but how many are going to help me increase my energy? So it’s much better. And so that’s why the proceed problem is level three and why it’s more effective than one and two.
But there’s one more level and that’s level four. And so level four is speaking about still the perceived problem, but also the desired situation. And so the perceived problem is what they want to solve. The desired situation is why they want to solve it. Or in other words, what they would be doing if they didn’t have the perceived problem. So to give you an example, if someone was experiencing stress, what would they be doing if they weren’t stressed?
If someone was experiencing low energy, what is low energy preventing them from doing? And in the example for stress, it might be stopping them from being an effective leader, right? So what they really want is to be an effective leader, but the stress is stopping them from doing it. For someone with low energy, maybe that’s stopping them from spending time with their kids. So what they want is to spend more time with their kids, but their perceived problem is low energy.
And so the reason this works the best is because a perceived problem is only really a problem if it’s stopping someone from doing something else, right? Having low energy, isn’t a problem if there’s nothing that low energy is stopping you from doing. Being stressed, isn’t necessarily a problem if it’s not affecting anything else in your life. Something is only a problem if it’s stopping you from doing something else.
And so speaking about both the perceived problem and the desire situation allows your market to feel like this is exactly what they need. If someone’s feeling stressed and that’s causing them to doubt their effectiveness as a leader, and they see a message or an ad or a piece of content that’s speaking directly to that, they’re going to think, “This is exactly what I need. This is made just for me.” And that’s where messaging becomes effective.
And so the four levels of messaging. Level one is talking about the process, which then creates the outcome, which is level two, which solves the perceived problem, which is level three, which allows the market to achieve the desire situation, which is level four. So we want to be using at least level three, ideally level four, which is perceived problem and desired situation.
So as you may have noticed, as you go through these different levels of messaging, it becomes more specific, right? Talking about helping people with weight loss versus helping people with low energy so that they can spend more time with their kids, much more specific market. So why is that useful? Well, as the size of the market increases, the number of competitors who are targeting that market increases proportionately with it, right? So you might think, “Well, if I say, I’m going to help people with weight loss, it’s a bigger market.”
And yes, that is true, but it also means you’ve got more competitors to compete with which means it’s much harder to stand out in that market. And there’s this threshold, which is somewhere around here, which is basically, if you cross it, you move into commoditization or you become a commodity where you are forced to compete on price. And so you may notice if you look at any big market like weight loss, the top competitors are all competing on price.
Why? Because such a big market you need to at that point. And so again, if you were targeting weight loss, you’re going to be up here. You’re competing with basically everyone. Your marketing is going to be washed out and no one is going to pay attention. And you have to compare on price. On the other hand, if you pulled it down here to let’s say helping people get six pack abs before their wedding. Well, yes, it’s a smaller market, but you have a specific message, so it stands out. People pay attention and there’s much higher value associated with it. So you don’t need to compete in the price.
And so the more specific you can make it, the better. The only time you would need to go very broad is if you’re really scaling things up past $10 million a month. Up until that point, being broad is doing far more harm than good. So that’s the messaging side of things. Now, let’s talk about how that ties into your offer. So your messaging is essentially ideally talking about a perceived problem and a desired situation.
So these two dots here. Your offer is how we bridge the gap. How we get someone from the perceived problem to the desired situation. And so step one of building out an offer should be once you know the perceived problem and desired situation, we need to start with messaging, because that determines the offer.
Once we know that, we can then list out all of the roadblocks or obstacles that stand between the market, meaning the perceived problem and their goal, which is the desired situation. So hypothetically, if it was low energy and they wanted to be spending more time with their kids, we could list out what are all the problems that they’re going to face on their way to having more energy, losing weight so that they can do that.
Maybe it’s diet. Maybe it’s exercise. Maybe it’s consistency. Maybe it’s routines. Maybe it’s habits. There may be a lot. And so what you basically want to do is go through and list all of the roadblocks, all of the problems that person may face between where they are and where you are telling them you’re going to help them get. Step two is then using those steps to build out your offer steps. And so you basically want to decide once you have those problems, those roadblocks, how you’re going to solve each problem, and then that will create your offer steps.
So it’s basically, I help you. Go from this to this. And the way I do that is step one, we solve this problem. Step two, this problem. Step three, this problem. And we explain it sequentially in that order. And by doing this as you explain it to the prospect, then you increase the belief and the trust in what you’re doing because in their minds, they know the problems. They probably tried to solve this problem in the past. They know the roadblocks they’re going to face. And so if you say, “The first thing that you’re going to face is this problem, and here’s how we solve it.”
The next thing is, “You’re going to face this problem and here’s how we solve it.” As you’re doing that, you’re increasing the confidence, so they believe it. And therefore they’re much more likely to buy. To give you an example of the inverse of this, if you say, “I’m going to help you get more energy, so you can spend more time with your kids.” And the prospect says, “How?” and you say, “Just trust me,” they’re probably not going to believe you. And so by explaining the steps, the problems and how you’re going to overcome them, you increase the trust, the belief, and everything becomes much more effective.
So that is the offer. We’ve done messaging, offer. Now, let’s talk about fulfillment. So once someone’s actually bought, how do we fulfill on that promise? So there are different levels of delivery and where you are in your business will determine which you should use. Level one is making sure you’re hitting the three elements of fulfillment. Level two is understanding the four stages of delivery. Level three is understanding the six core drives. And then level four is the eight engagement catalysts.
For this training in Genesis, we’re going to be talking about level one because that’s really all you need to master to get to $30,000 a month plus. In later stages of business, you can start to look at these other areas.
So let’s talk about that, the three elements of fulfillment. So when it comes to fulfillment, there are three elements you must consider. Number one is the scope, number two is the speed, and number three is the simplicity. So the scope refers to the breadth of the solution, meaning if this is where they are, and this is where they want to be, and these are the problems, does the offer solve or the fulfillment solve every single problem? That’s a scope. If there’s five problems and you solve one of the five, it’s a small scope. If you solve all five, it’s a complete scope.
So that’s number one, and that’s the most important thing. If you’re saying I’m going to get you from here to here, you need to make sure you cover the entire scope of that process. Every single problem you need to solve.
Next speed. So how much time does it take the customer to achieve the outcome? Obviously, achieving an outcome in one day is better than 10 years. So speed is important. And then from there simplicity. So how much effort does it take the customer to achieve the outcome? If it’s like quite simple, that’s better. If it’s quite difficult, that’s hard.
So to break these three areas down in a bit more detail, number one, scope. So when planning your fulfillment, you must ensure you cover the entire scope of the outcome. And people will not be confident buying from you if you can’t solve every single problem, they will face on their way to achieving that outcome. And the validity of an offer comes from doing what it says it will do. Therefore, whatever outcome you promise, you must deliver, right? It’s better to promise a small thing and do it than promise a big thing and not do it.
To give an example if I said I’m going to help you get clients and I only show you how to run Facebook ads, that’s not a complete scope because Facebook ads might help you get a lead, but then what happens from there? How do you warm up that lead? How do you book that lead in for a call? How do you sell that person on the call? How do you take payments? How do you do followup? How do you do onboarding? Right? There’s a lot of things that come under getting clients.
And so if you are promising a certain outcome, but you’re not covering the complete scope, that’s not a good offer. It’s much better go back to that example I just gave. If I said like, “I’m going to show you how to get leads instead of get clients, if I’m just showing you how to run Facebook ads,” that’s what I should be saying. I shouldn’t be saying, “I’m getting you clients.” I need to focus on what I’m doing unless I want to increase the scope.
Next simplicity. So the simpler the process, meaning the less effort it takes, the better the offer. And in every transformation, someone has to be lifting the load, either you or your clients. And a great offer is always one that’s as simple as possible for the client, which means it’s going to be more complex for you. Right? If I said to get clients here on Facebook ads and go do it, and that’s it. Well, that was simple for me. It’s going to be complicated for you. If I say, “To run Facebook ads, here’s the exact messaging. Here’s the exact images. Once you do that, you need to generate a lead. Here’s how you do that. Here’s the landing page. Here’s the headline. Here’s the image.”
From there, you need to nurture them. Here’s the sequence. Here’s the messages. Here’s what you say to them. Then you book them into a call. Here’s the exact script. Here’s the exact process. Here’s the 10-minute call. Here’s the 30-minute call. Here’s what happens if they don’t show up. Here’s how you get them to show up. Here’s the exact emails to send before the call, after the call. Here’s the sales process. Right? It makes it simple for you because you know exactly what to do, but it’s much more complex for me. And so a good offer is one where you, the business owner is lifting the load of complexity and you’re not leaving it up to your clients.
And then finally speed. So the faster transformation, meaning less amount of time, the better the offer. A good example would be Netflix versus Blockbuster. Same outcome watching a movie, but for Blockbuster, you get in your car, drive there, pick it out, pay for it, get back in your car, drive home, put it in. For Netflix, you like click a button and it’s on. So same outcome, much faster and high simplicity as well.
So in terms of your delivery structure, when first building out your delivery, this is assuming you are in the earliest stages of business. I always suggest starting with as much one-on-one or done for you as possible compared to building out an automated program or anything like that. The reason is, first of all, scope. If you’re working with clients, one-on-one, you’re going to understand the steps and you can ensure that they actually solve all those problems.
For simplicity, it’s going to be much simpler for a client to have something done for them or work with someone one on one than it is for them to try to figure it out on their own. For speed, again, if you know how to do something, it’s going to be faster for you to do it for a client versus teaching them how to do it.
And two additional benefits is that as you’re starting out, as you’re iterating your offer and your messaging, it’s going to be faster to test different things. So for example, if you are offering one-on-one coaching and you change your offer, if it’s still one-on-one coaching, you can change what you are delivering or fulfilling on in that coaching. If you’ve built out an eight-week program that will you 10-weeks to build.
And you change your offer, then you have to rebuild the program, which is going to take you another 10 weeks. It’s very hard to test new things. It’s also faster to improve. And again, same kind of thing. If you’re talking to someone and they’re like, “Oh, I want to learn about this thing.” You can show them live in real time. If you’ve built out a program, it took you 10 weeks to do it, and you realize that something is missing, it’s another 10 weeks to improve it. So you don’t want to do that when you’re starting out, start with as much one-on-one and done for you as possible. And only once you are getting clients and they’re getting results, then you can start to look at automating different pieces.
And finally, let’s talk about pricing your offer, so your price point. So if we look at why people buy, fundamentally, the reason is they think the value of what they’re receiving outweighs the cost. And on a very basic level, it would be, if you give me $1, I give you $2. You’ll do it in that situation. If I say, “Give me $1 and I’ll give you 50 cents,” you’re not going to do it. Right? So the value needs to outweigh the cost. And with that understanding, this may lead you to believe that a lower price is going to be better. However, this is not true because people will buy if they believe the value outweighs the cost. But if the value outweighs the cost by too much, then the value is no longer believable.
They don’t believe it anymore. And so an example would be, if I said, you give me $1 and I’ll give you a million dollars. Yes, value outweighing cost. But you don’t believe it. It’s too good to be true. So people want to feel like they’re getting a good deal, but not too good otherwise they won’t believe it. Therefore, if you followed the training up until this point, then you’re going to need to charge a high price if you want people to buy because you’re offering a transformation. You’re saying, “I’m going to get you from the problem that you’re experiencing to the outcome that you want. I’m going to help you do that.”
If you’re charging like $2 for that, it’s going to sound too good to be true. They’re not going to buy. And so the benefits of a higher price, and by higher price, I mean high ticket, like two, three, $5,000. Number one is there’s higher perceived value. So value is subjective. There’s no real measure of value. Value is determined by what people think is valuable. And so when you charge a higher price, the perceived value of what you offer is higher.
Again, if I offer you this life changing thing and it’s $2, the perceived value of that’s going to be low. If I said it’s $100,000, it’s very likely to be more valuable because of the price. It determines the value. Next better results. So people that invest more into something have a higher emotional investment in the thing. They care more about it, they use it more, they take it more seriously, and ultimately they get better results. So if you care about your clients, which hopefully you do, you’re doing them a disservice if you’re undercharging because they just don’t care enough.
I bet most people watching have at some point bought a $9 ebook or $17 guide that you never opened. If you invest more, you care more. You give it more attention. Next, if you charge more, you have more profit to invest in making what you do great. So hypothetically, if you were to increase your prices by an additional thousand dollars, you can now afford to spend a thousand dollars more on fulfilling the client and creating an unforgettable user experience because you actually have the funds and resources to do that.
If you’re charging 2 cents, you can’t afford to do anything to service that client, so you can create a better service, a better product. Higher perceived value, higher client results and a greater product in general. And finally, it’s easier to scale or grow your business. So hypothetically, if you are charging $100 for what you do, at most, all you could afford to pay to acquire a client would be $100 and that’ll be breaking even, so you probably won’t even want to pay that much. But that’s the maximum, otherwise you’re losing money.
On the other hand, if you charge $10,000, you can afford to pay 100 times more to acquire a client. So if there’s two people competing for a customer and one can only pay $100 to get their attention and make a sale and one can pay $10,000 who’s going to have an easier time getting clients? Obviously, the one who can afford to pay $10,000.
So this is why pricing is so important. If you are undercharging, you’re not going to be able to afford to actually get clients. And so everything gets better when you charge more. It’s high perceived value. You get better client results. The actual service you offer gets better because you have the funds to make it better and you can actually acquire more clients, help more people because you have the funds to do so.
So they’re the benefits of charging more. You may still have some beliefs around charging higher prices and why less is better. So let me try to break some of them. Number one, you may be thinking that it’s easier to sell something that’s cheaper, therefore you should do it. So if your prices are 10 times cheaper, then you need to sell 10 times more people to make the same amount of money. And so it may be slightly easier to sell something that’s cheaper, slightly.
It’s definitely not 10 times easier. And so you need to get 10 times more sales to make up for one 10th of the price. So it’s not 10 times easier to do that. So it’s not easier in any way. And the other thing to factor in is the cost associated with making a sale. No matter what you do, no matter what your price, there’s always a cost associated with making a sale.
And so the more sales you need to make, the more that costs compounds, right? Let’s say it costs $50 to make a sale, or it could be two hours of time to make a sale. Either way that multiplies every single time you need to make a sale. And so if you need to make a thousand sales versus two sales, you’re going to be paying a much higher cost. And so it’s not actually cheaper to make a sale if you’re charging less. It’s more expensive, because there’s more cost, more time, more effort. You need to do more. And all of that compounds, the more sales you need to make.
Next is you may feel that by charging less, you’ll be able to help more people. So, first of all, there’s a difference between selling more people and helping more people. You might be able to sell more people, but you probably won’t be able to help more people. Because again, people that pay less care less. They use the product less. They get worse results. They don’t give it attention. And so sure you might sell more people, but if you want to help more people, you’re better off charging more, so they actually give it attention. They’re more emotionally invested. They use the thing and then they get the result.
And it’s much better to work with 10 people and get 10 people results than sell 200 people and get zero results. And then finally you may be thinking that people wouldn’t pay $3,000 or $4,000 or more for X, for whatever it is you offer. And this goes back to your messaging and your offer. So people wouldn’t pay $3,000 for a diet, but if that diet gave them enough energy to spend more time with their kids, they would, right? And so it comes down to the messaging and what you’re helping people actually do.
If you don’t think people would pay $3,000 for what it is you have to offer, you should focus on increasing the value of what you do rather than decreasing the price to compensate for that lack of value.
So you create what you do. You create your offer. You create your service. So if you don’t think it’s valued at that, improve it until it is, until you have no question that it’s valued that. Make it worth $50,000 and charge $3,000. That’s the key to really growing. And so just to recap this module, messaging is the promise. It’s what people want. Your offer is the process the way in which they want it.
Next, there are four levels of messaging. You want to avoid levels one and two focusing on three and four, ideally four, which is perceived problem and desired situation. Your offer is what bridges the gap between the perceived problem and desired situation. And when planning your fulfillment, make sure you consider speed, scope, simplicity, starting with scope and understand that people will buy if they believe the value outweighs the cost. But if the value outweighs the cost by too much, the value is no longer believable.
So charging higher ticket $3,000 plus will allow you to increase belief, perceived value, client success and will enhance your ability to grow. So that’s it for the delivery module. Hopefully you found this useful and I’ll see you in the next one.
lesson five
Client Acquisition
Welcome to module five of Genesis. In this module, we’re going to be breaking down the 3 areas of Client Acquisition. Here’s what we’re going to cover:
– How to get clients and make sales
– The 2 areas of Lead Generation
– Lead Nurture simplified
– The 3 requires for making a Sale
Hey, it’s Connor Marriott here, and welcome to module five of Genesis. In this module, we’re going to be talking about client acquisition. So, how to actually go out, start generating leads, start booking calls and making sales.
In the previous module, we spoke about the two core areas of a business. We’ve got your acquisition and we’ve got delivery. We covered delivery specifically, talking about your message, your offer, and your fulfillment, which are essentially the base of the business. Once you’ve got those things, you can then use them to build out your acquisition and start generating clients. So, within client acquisition, we have lead generation, lead nurture, and sales.
If we were to look at the customer journey of taking a stranger and turning them into a paying client, there’s a few steps that that stranger needs to go through before they’re going to be ready to spend money and work with you. We can use lead generation to generate awareness, and ultimately generate a lead. A lead is someone who’s responded to you and said, “I want to learn more.”
We can then use lead nurture to warm up that lead to the point that they’re ready to book a call. Then, we can use sales to convert that call into a sale or a paying client. Lead generation is a process of taking strangers and turning them into a lead. Lead nurture is the process of warming up that lead to booking the call, and sales is the process of converting that call into a client.
We’re going to start off talking about lead generation, which is the first step. By this point, you should have your message. Now, you want to put that message in front of your market. How do we do that? Well, we use a lead-generation method or strategy. Some examples of this could be, running an ad. It could be posting content. It could be posting some videos or writing some articles. This method is what we use to essentially bridge the gap between your message and your market.
But when it comes to lead generation, most people get far too caught up on the method. They think, “I need this method or that method, or this strategy or that strategy,” but understand, all the method is, is a process of putting your message in front of a market. What you pay for when you are using any lead generation strategy is the method.
If you’re running ads, you’re paying for your message to be seen in the app. If you are posting content, you’re spending time, so you’re paying time to get a message in front of people. But what gets the result is going to be the message. That’s why we started there. We didn’t start with this, because if you don’t have the right messaging, then the method will never work.
To break this down and show you what I mean, if we look at one of these methods, such as ads, so if you run an ad, you would basically write an ad and set up on a social media platform, such as Facebook ads, or Google ads, or YouTube ads, or TikTok ads. Then, that would be seen by your market.
The way ads typically work is, you pay per impression, which means a view, essentially. Typically, you’ll pay per 1,000 views. So, if you ever see the word ‘CPM’, it means essentially paying for 1,000 views, the cost for that. On average, depending on the platform, you might be paying $30 for 1,000 impressions. So, every time you pay $30, your ad or your message gets seen by 1,000 people.
Now, whether or not that ad is effective, whether or not it works, is not based on the impressions. It’s based on what people do after they see it. If you had bad messaging… for example, you had a very bad ad… then you might pay $30, it gets seen by 1,000 people, but let’s say only one person clicks. In that situation, your cost per click or your CPC is going to be $30, because you paid $1,000… sorry, you paid $30 to get in front of 1,000 people, and one clicked.
So, that one click cost you $30. It’s not that you necessarily paid for the click. This is where people get confused. They think, “Oh my cost per click’s high, how do I lower my cost per click?” It’s not the cost per click you want to lower, necessarily. You pay for the impressions, and then based on the message, it’s going to determine how many people click.
So, if you had an average message, so better than bad, you still pay $30 for 1,000 impressions. Now, let’s say five people click. Now, your cost per click has gone to $6 instead of 30. Then, if you had a good message, maybe you get 30 clicks. So now, your cost per click is $1 instead of 30.
So, what you’re actually paying for, the impressions, stays the same, more or less, but the effectiveness of the ad is determined by the message and the number of people from the market that respond to the message.
To choose another example. If you were to post content, which is a alternative lead-generation strategy, you might do five posts, and the aggregate number of people that have seen that post or the total posts might be 1,000 people. So, maybe you do five posts, on average each post gets seen by 200 people. So, for every five you do, you get 1,000 views. Obviously, that’s going to depend on a few factors, such as your followers and the platform, but for this example, let’s run with this.
Again, the same rules apply. If you have a bad message, maybe one person responds from those five posts. If you have an average message, maybe five people respond from those five posts. If you have a good message, maybe 30 people respond. Often, people get caught up on the method and they think, “This method isn’t working, I need to try ads” or “Ads don’t work for me. I only need to do organic.” The method isn’t what determines, really, anything.
The method’s simply a way to get the message in front of the market. No matter what method you use, it’s the message and the market that determine the results. So, different platforms, different strategies may have different costs in how much it costs you to get your message seen. They may be able to show that message to different segments of the market, maybe they’re more qualified or less qualified. But ultimately, if people don’t respond, it’s not because of the method.
It’s always because of the message. That’s why that is the most important thing when it comes to generating leads, because without a good message, no method is going to work. So, the only way to generate leads is by having messaging that people actually want to respond to. There’s no way around this.
When you’re starting out, to test and iterate your message, there’s two main methods that you could choose to use. You could use paid advertising where you’re spending money, or you could use organic marketing where you are spending time. Paid would be running ads. Organic would be posting content or messaging people.
The benefits of organic is that you have total control over how much you do. For example, you could decide to send 20 people this message, 20 people that message, and so on. So, you can really test it well.
You also get feedback right away, because you might send a message to someone and they might reply and say, “I’m not interested because of this reason,” Or that reason. So, you’re collecting data, and it allows you to learn quite fast. Obviously, the drawback to that is it costs time, because you need to manually post or send these messages.
On the other hand, you’ve got paid advertising, which has some benefits. You can reach more people, obviously. You can test more things at once. For example, you could set up 50 different ads with 50 different messages at the same time, and run them, send them off. The drawback to that, obviously, is cost. You need to pay for it.
The other negative… or there’s two other negatives with paid advertising versus organic, when you’re testing. The first is that you need a much larger sample size to actually know if something’s working. With organic, you might send a message to 20 people and see if they respond. If an ad is seen by 20 people, it’s not enough data to actually know if it’s working. We need 1,000, 5,000, 10,000 impressions before we really know what’s going on. Obviously, that comes at a high cost.
The other drawback is that the feedback you receive is only binary. It’s only, it worked or it didn’t. It’s not why it worked or why it didn’t. You might run an ad and it doesn’t work, you don’t know necessarily why it didn’t work. Or you might run an ad that did work, you don’t know why it worked. Because people don’t comment and say, “I’m clicking on this ad because of this reason.”
Whereas with organic, you do get that direct feedback. So, when you’re testing, when you’re starting out, I suggest starting with organic, because it will allow you to get that feedback and learn much faster. Of course, you can do paid if you have the budget. But ultimately, what we’re doing is the same. We’re testing to see if our message is interesting enough for our market to want to respond. Doesn’t really matter what strategy or method you use to do that, because all that matters is the message and the market. That is lead generation.
Now, let’s look at the next step, which is lead nurture. Once we have a lead, now, how do we warm them up so that they’re ready to book a call? That’s what lead nurture is used for. This is basically the process of taking a lead who’s aware of you, and warming them up so that they are ready to book a call.
The goal of lead nurture is to warm up leads so they can book a call. I said that several times. This can be done across a number of different steps, or a number of different strategies. Just like when it comes to lead generation, a lot of people tell you, “You need to be running ads on this”, or “You need to be doing organic on this”, or “This is better than that”.
With lead nurture, it’s the same kind of thing. People tell you, “Oh, you need a webinar,” or you need a funnel, or you need a Facebook group, or whatever it is, you need 20 emails. It’s all the same thing. It’s a process of warming a lead up enough so that they’re able to book a call. Again, the method doesn’t really matter. We just want to look at, how warm do we need someone to get before they are ready to book a call?
That might take one step, it might take five steps, it might take twenty steps. These things do change. Again, the biggest variables on those things are going to be your messaging in your offer. But, we basically want to see how many steps are required to get someone to book in for a call.
Let’s say it took two steps. Well, then having a five-step process where you have a multiple-step funnel, or a Facebook group and an email sequence, and all these different things, may not be necessary. Although, there is sometimes still a benefit to that.
If we look at this customer journey of taking a stranger and turning them into a client, ultimately what we need to do is warm them up enough so that they’re ready to buy. That is done through both marketing and sales, marketing being lead generation and lead nurture, and sales being the sales process.
We can focus more or less on one or the other. So, you could be focused more on marketing and lead nurture, where your marketing, your funnel, your nurture processes are doing most of the heavy lifting. Or, you could focus more on sales, where your marketing and lead nurture are basically warming someone up just enough to book a call, and then you’re relying more on the sales process.
If you’re focused more on marketing, then your nurture process will have more steps. It could be a longer funnel. It could be a longer warmup email sequence. The benefit of that is that when you do speak to that person, they are going to be warmer, meaning they’re more likely to buy. But, with every additional step you add, you’re going to have less people that actually see it through. Therefore, the cost is going to be higher.
On the other hand, if you had a smaller lead-nurture process, then you’re going to rely more on the sales process. With that, you will have higher volume, lower costs, but your sales conversion maybe be lower if you’re not, or if you’re just starting up with sales.
There’s no right or wrong here, it’s basically this process, and it’s a juggling act or a balancing act of what it is you want to focus on. Do you want to focus more on marketing, and let the marketing do most of the heavy lifting? Or, do you want to focus more on sales, and let the sales do most of the heavy lifting?
To give you an example of what this would look like, a smaller nurture process, which would result in a cooler lead, but higher volume, lower costs, maybe you send someone a message, you have a conversation, and you book them in for a call, right? Not many steps.
On the other hand, a warmer lead, maybe you run an ad. That goes to a landing page. From there, they watch a video. Then they go to a sales page. Then they fill out an application. Then, they book a call. That lead is going to be warmer, but there’s more steps, so less people are going to see it through. So, the cost will be higher. Again, there is no right or wrong here. It basically just depends on, what do you want to focus on?
Do you want to focus on marketing, or do you want to focus on sales? You still need both, but one is going to have the preference. Adding additional steps to your lead nurture process may result in warmer leads. However, it’s not always necessary. If anyone tells you you need a 20-step funnel, it’s not necessary. It’s not true. It’s not the case. They just probably aren’t very good at sales.
Adding additional steps. As you start to do more calls, you may decide you need more steps, because the people you’re speaking to are not warm enough. In that situation, that would make sense. But when you’re starting out, I suggest starting with fewer steps, because you don’t know how many steps are required until you actually start speaking to people.
So, start talking to people as quickly as possible, start booking calls as quickly as possible. Then from there, you can then decide, “Do I need to warm them up more?” So, when you’re starting out, my suggestion in terms of the tactic would be, using organic. Then, when people respond to you, start the conversation, and then start asking them some questions, and then see, at what point are they going to be ready to book in a call?
To give you an example of what a conversation might look like, what we have found to be most effective when having a conversation with a prospect is, step one, starting off with an either/or question. Basically, an example of that would be like, “Hey, name, I see you’re this type of market. Are you currently doing one thing or something else?” Either/or.
To actually give you a real example, “Hey, John, I see you’re a business owner. Are you currently running ads or just using organic methods for now?” Starting off with an either/or question is a good way to start, because it doesn’t require much thought for the prospect. If you start off asking someone, “Hey, what’s your top 20 goals,” they’re not going to put in the effort to even bother responding. By giving an either/or, they just need to pick this or that, it’s very simple.
From there, you can ask their goal. So, you might ask, “Cool, what goals are you working on at the moment?” An example would be, “Nice, any exciting goals you’re working on in your business at the moment?” Then from there, you can ask about the challenges they’re facing. So, “That’s a cool goal, any challenges you’re facing in regards to that goal?”
Now we know what they’re doing, we know their goal, we know their challenges. Then finally, we can ask if they want help. You can ask something like, “Are you open to getting some help with that, or are you happy just doing things on your own for now?” If at that point they say, “Yes, I’m open to getting some help,” you can book them in for a call.
If you are testing this and you notice that they’re like, “Oh, no, I’m all right,” then you might want to add in a few more questions, because they’re not quite warm enough to book a call yet. That’s basically this process. You can use this framework to see how many questions you need, and you might want to add some more if they’re not warm enough to book the call. But ultimately, this is a very simple way to start testing your messaging and your lead-nurture process to get someone to book in for a call.
Finally, let’s look at the last step here, which is going to be the sales process, now that you’ve got a call. This is how we convert those calls into clients or sales. On a sales call, there are three things you want to achieve. Number one, value; number two, change; and number three, decision. You’re going to work through all three. This is ultimately what you want to do on a sales call, when you’re talking to a prospect.
Number one, value. At its core, a sale is an exchange of value. If a prospect believes the value of what they’re going to receive will outweigh the cost, they will buy. However, the thing about value is, it’s subjective. There is no absolute value. It’s only the value that the prospect perceives to be the value.
The subjective value of your offer is made up of two things. Number one is clarity of the outcome, and number two is confidence in the outcome. Clarity is getting the prospect to understand where they are, the problems, their goals, and how you’re going to get them there. Then, confidence is explaining how it’s going to work for them specifically.
Clarity is understanding where they are, where they want to go. Confidence is making sure that this thing that you’re selling is going to work for me. An example of this would be, if I tell you I’m going to help you achieve something worth $10,000, but you only believe there’s a 50% chance of achieving it. So, you don’t really have high confidence.
Then, the subjective value is not $10,000. It’s $5,000, which is 50% of $10,000. Because there’s only a 50% chance in your mind of actually achieving that $10,000 thing. So, it’s not worth $10,000, it’s worth $5,000. This is basically how sales work. You might think that your offer is worth $10,000 or $5,000. But, if the prospect only believes there’s a 10% chance of achieving that outcome, then in their minds, it’s only worth $500 if it’s 5,000.
Understanding that is quite important, because if you can increase their confidence and clarity, they’ll actually start seeing what you have to offer for what it’s actually worth. In order to increase the subjective value of your offer, you must create clarity of the outcome, and increase the prospect’s confidence in your ability to help them achieve it.
To increase clarity, we want to focus on the real problem, not the surface-level problem. I’ll show you what I mean in a second. But if you can get the prospect to properly understand the problem and the outcome, then they have clarity. They know, “I’m here. I’m going to get here.”
For confidence, that comes from explaining how you’re going to help them specifically. To give you an example, if your problem was, you are struggling with energy and your goal is to lose some weight, to increase your energy, if I just say, “Yeah, that’s what’s going to happen,” there’s not a lot of confidence there.
But if I say, “The first step, what we’re going to do is, you mentioned that you struggle with sleep. So, that’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to set up a sleep routine so you can get better sleep. Then you’re going to have more energy. Then, the second thing you said is, you struggle to follow a routine. So, what we’re going to do is create a routine that’s flexible, so that you can stick with it.
“Then the third thing you said was that you don’t like diets. So, what we’re going to do is we’re going to create a diet, but it won’t feel like a diet because we’re going to customize it in a way that has enough variation so that it’s not a strict, rigid diet to follow.”
By doing like what I just did then, I explained it based on the hypothetical problems that you didn’t say, but I customize it through those problems. That’s how you get confidence, because I’m not just saying, “We’re going to improve your sleep, and your diet, and your exercise,” I’m saying, “Your problem is this. So, what I’m going to do is fix that by doing this.” So, the prospect’s like, “Oh yeah, that’s exactly my problem, and I can understand how that’s going to help me.”
That is value. The next step is making sure the prospect is actually ready to change. Often, people will want a goal or an outcome, but they’re not ready or willing to change in order to actually achieve the outcome. So, hypothetically, let’s say someone wants to lose 20 kilos. Look, they might want that goal, but are they willing to change their diet, and their habits, and their routines, and their lifestyle?
Maybe not, so we need to make sure that, first of all, the prospect sees the value in the outcome but also, number two, they’re ready to change to achieve it. A prospect may see the value in what you do, but if they’re not ready to change or if they don’t believe they can change, then they won’t move forward. Different people have different levels of problems, and therefore there’s different levels of change that’s required.
A good way to think about this would be renovating a home. If you had a home that was in pretty good condition and it just needed a few minor changes, then it makes sense to focus on the small details. Like, maybe we get it a new paint job, maybe we clean the carpets a bit. But, if that home is so old that it needs to be demolished, then the details no longer matter, right? We won’t care about the paint yet, because we’re going to tear the whole thing down and rebuild it.
This is how you can think about sales. Obviously, people aren’t homes, but it’s the same kind of process. If someone has a few small problems, so let’s say they’re overweight, but it’s just their diet. They know it’s just their diet… and everything else, like they’re working out, everything’s perfect… then it’s just a small problem, it’s just their diet. In that situation, it would make sense to focus on the diet.
But if someone’s in that same situation, but their habits are wrong, their routines are wrong, their lifestyle’s wrong, and it’s been that way for 20 years, then the smaller details no longer matter because everything needs to change.
So, when you are doing the sales process, you want to gauge where that prospect is, and understand how much change is going to be required, and then make sure they’re ready for it. Because if someone, again, just needs to change in their diet, there’s not going to be a lot of change. It’s going to be like, “Okay, we’re going to change your diet. Are you ready for that?” “Yes.”
But if someone’s entire life needs to change, then we need to make sure they’re prepared for that. If they’re not prepared for that, you shouldn’t sell them. So, this change part is making sure that they’re ready for change, but the level of change required is going to depend on where that person is specifically.
Finally, the last step is, now, helping the prospect make a decision. We’ve increased the perceived value in what you do. We know, and the prospect knows, they’re ready to change. Now, it’s time to decide, are we going to do it? The important thing here to understand is that someone is only going to make a decision if they have a small selection of things to choose between.
There’s this law called Hick’s Law. It’s not a real law, it’s a psychology law. Basically, what it means is, the more choice that someone has, the less likely they are to make a decision. So, if someone’s trying to decide between this and that, and 50 other things, it’s very unlikely they’re going to make a decision. So, what we need to do is remove the other decisions, and make it a clear choice between one of two things.
If we imagine you are on the right and the prospect is on the left, there’s these different paths or doors that the prospect could walk through. One might be, doing nothing at all. The door you want the prospect to move through is, working with you. But if these other doors are open, that’s where the prospect’s going to go.
One of these doors might be giving up on the goal altogether. If that’s something that the prospect is considering, we don’t just want to ignore that. We want to explore it and ask them, “Why is this goal important? Why not give up on it? Like why do you want to do this at all?”
By exploring it, we can close that door so that it’s no longer an option. The next door might be, “Maybe I’ll wait. Maybe now’s not the right time.” Again, we can explore that and be like, “Well, why is now not the right time. Is now the right time? When is the right time?” By doing that, we can close the door.
They may be choosing between another service provider. Again, don’t just ignore it, ask them, “What are you looking for, specifically? What does the other service provider provide that I don’t, and is that what you want? Would you prefer this?” And you can close this door.
Then finally, they might decide, “I just want to do it on my own.” Then again, you could explore that. You could say, “Well, it sounds like that’s what you’ve been doing for the past couple of years and it hasn’t worked. So, would it be fair to say it’s time to get some help?” And you can close that door.
Now, by doing this, there’s only two doors left. No change, or working with you. Now, the prospect can make a decision as to which path they want to do. The key here is never forcing them to work with you. It’s painting these two paths, A or B, and then getting them to make a decision either way.
Doesn’t matter what decision, but we want them to make a decision. We basically have these two paths, A or B, and then we can ask the prospect to decide. This is how we can get a prospect to finally make a decision, and hopefully move forward to work with you.
If you are not sure where you should be focused on in these three steps, ideally we want to hit all of them, but we can look at the types of objections we get, to reveal what area is lacking. If you’re getting money-based objections, so people saying things like, “It’s too much money, can’t afford it,” then that’s coming from a lack of perceived value. So, it would be step one you want to work on.
If it’s a time-based objection, meaning, “Oh, I’ll do it later. You know, now’s not the right time, maybe in six months,” then it’s a lack of urgency in regards to change. That was step two. If it’s a delay-based objection, which would be, “Let me think about it, I’ll get back to you. Can you send some information,” then there’s lack of clarity around the two decisions.
Depending on what sort of objections you’re getting on the call, will help you identify what area, which of these three steps you need to work on more. They are the three steps of client acquisition. Lead generation to generate leads, lead nurture to warm up leads, to get them to book into a call, and then finally, sales to convert that call into a paying client.
Just to recap, lead generation, the number one factor that determines success of lead generation is the messaging, not the strategy. There is no ad-funnel, strategy, or platform that will compensate for poor messaging. Every strategy can work, if you have great messaging.
For lead nurture, the number of steps you use will determine how warm the prospect is when you actually speak to them, and more steps will make the prospect warmer, but the number of people you end up speaking to will be lower and the cost will be higher.
Finally, sales. For prospect to buy, they must see the value in solving the problem. They must be ready and willing to change in proportion to the problem. They must have two clear options to decide between. That’s it for client acquisition. Hopefully this has been useful, and I’ll see you in the next one.
lesson six
What's Next...
Welcome to the final module of Genesis. In this module, we’re going to be explaining “what’s next”…
Hey, it’s Connor here. And if you’ve gotten to this point, congratulations. This is the final module of the Genesis program. In this module, I’m going to be explaining what’s next.
In the first welcome introductory video, I explained the different levels of business and the different stages. And inside Genesis, we focused on step one, which was messaging market offer, the delivery side of things, as well as the actions to take, what you should be doing and when so that you know how to get clients, and the things that actually matter in regards to getting clients. Hopefully, that has been accomplished and you feel like you understand those things very well. And you can even start using them to start generating clients and sales.
From here, the next step is our mentorship program, which is Evolution. And this is where we can work with you one-on-one to help you improve your delivery, your messaging, your offer, help you take the right actions, help you master lead generation, nurture and sales, develop those skills, and then leveraging them up so that you can scale to $30,000 a month in your business and beyond. What is it? Evolution is designed to help you master delivery, which is your messaging, your offer, your fulfillment, and client acquisition, which is lead generation, lead nurture and sales in the shortest amount of time possible. And this is achieved through utilizing the latest and most effective strategies in regards to client acquisition, one-on-one coaching and mentoring, end-to-end tracking, so we track everything you do, custom reviews, reports and action plans, and step-by-step guidance and support. What is it not? It’s not a quick fix, it’s not get rich quick, and it’s not a magic bullet. It only works if you do.
And the best way to think about this would be, let’s say you want to start learning how to play guitar to make money. And in this analogy, the guitar is your business. To learn how to play guitar, you probably want to be taught how to play guitar. And so, that is the coaches and support that we have inside Evolution showing you exactly what to do and guiding you in your journey.
Then maybe you want to make sure that everything’s sounding good and someone’s actually paying attention to it, that’s the intelligence tracking where we track everything you do end-to-end.
Then maybe you want someone telling you how to improve as you’re playing, what you should be doing, giving you feedback, so that’s the weekly reviews and feedback that we give you to make sure that everything’s working and it’s on the right path.
Then maybe you want a backing band so that they can keep you on beat and you’re not getting out of time, so that is the daily actions and accountability, making sure you’re doing the right things at the right time and you’re staying consistent.
Maybe you want someone optimizing your sound and your levels so that it sounds better, and that is the optimization and the customization that comes into Evolution.
And then finally, you probably want to amplify that message and get it heard by people or that song in this example, and that is the messaging, the offer, and the acquisition to actually go out and be seen and heard and attract clients and customers.
And so, that’s essentially what evolution is. It’s teaching you, or using these tools, to help you play the guitar. But there’s one key element here, and that’s you. And without you, that guitar just sits there. And that’s exactly what Evolution is as well, that’s exactly what business is. You can have the support and the systems to learn, but if you’re not picking that thing up and playing it every day, then it’s not making any noise. And so, you are the missing piece of this. And without you, nothing works. And that’s really important to understand about this program and any other program, that you are the thing that gets the result. We can show you how to do it, we can give you the tools to help you do it, but you need to be the one that actually does it.
And, who is this for? It’s for coaches, consultants, experts, done for you service business owners, and high tech entrepreneurs, who are ready to go all in and full time in their business now, not a 12 month thing, now. Eager to learn and master skills of lead generation, lead nurture, and sales to grow to $30,000 a month plus. If your goal is to make $5,000 a month, this isn’t for you. You don’t need this level of support and strategies. The training we covered in Genesis should be more than enough to get to $5,000 or $10,000 a month. This is for those that are looking to go beyond that. You have the capital to invest in the growth of your business, and you understand that learning skills also requires that you learn the traits such as work, effort, consistency, and without that, the skills don’t matter. You also are capable of making decisions and taking action. And you’re looking for long term partners in your growth to continue growing and scaling long term. It’s not a short term fix.
Who is this not for? This is not for anyone who is not the things I just mentioned. And also anyone who wants quick, easy fixes, not willing to put in the work. Anyone who needs results tomorrow. A lot of our clients get very fast results, but if you need results by tomorrow, then this isn’t for you. Hold off. It’s not for anyone who doesn’t want to change. And wants to avoid the challenges associated with growth. As you grow, there are challenges, internal challenges, hurdles you need to overcome, you need to be prepared for that. And it’s definitely not for anyone who only cares about making money and not making a great product, helping clients and positively impacting people. If that’s you, if you’re just looking for a way to make money and you have no regard for actually making a good business, this is definitely not for you.
If you are the things that I mentioned, then you can learn more about Evolution on our website by visiting the Evolution page, or you can use the button below this video to book a call with our team, and we can see if Evolution is a good fit for you. Before the call, you will need to fill out an application before you can book, so that we can assess whether or not you fit the criteria. We don’t work with everyone. And we value client results above anything else. And so, we won’t just let anyone in. So, there’s an application, and then on the call, we can assess to make sure that this is going to be a good fit. If it’s not, we’ll let you know. And if that’s not you, if you weren’t those things I mentioned, then you can continue using the free training in Genesis. And you can also check out my YouTube channel, where I post additional free training.
And finally, if you enjoyed this training program, please feel free to share this on social media or with any of your friends that would find this useful. And if you are ready to take that next step, we look forward to working with you inside Evolution. If not, I hope you’ve enjoyed this, and I wish you the best of luck in growing your business in the future.