High Ticket Sales Training For Coaches
High Ticket Sales Training For Coaches | Sales Coaching
Do you want to learn how to sell high ticket ($2,000+)?
Do you want to improve your sales process?
Are you a coach looking to make more high-ticket sales?
If so, then this video will show you the best and simplest way to sell your high-ticket offer.
Forget meetings, proposals, presentations or slide decks. In this video I’ll show you how to sell high priced items with a single 30 minute phone call.
This sales process is used by our in-house sales team, as well as 100’s of our clients.
This sales script has allowed us to close up to 70% of our calls and has generated over $1,000,000 in sales over the last 12 months.
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What Are High-Ticket Sales?
High ticket sales refer to the process of selling high-priced products or services that typically require a significant financial investment from the customer.
These sales are often associated with coaching and consulting services, B2B services, and online training courses.
The goal of high ticket sales is to generate substantial revenue by targeting a smaller, more affluent customer base.
To achieve success in high ticket sales, businesses must have a deep understanding of their target audience and create a sales funnel that effectively communicates the value of their products or services.
This involves building a relationship of trust and credibility with potential customers, providing personalized solutions that meet their unique needs, and using a variety of marketing channels to reach and engage with them.
By focusing on high ticket sales, businesses can achieve significant growth and profitability, provided they have the right strategy and approach in place.
What is Sales Training?
Sales training is the process of learning the skills and techniques needed to effectively sell products and services.
Sales training can include topics such as customer relationship building, product knowledge, sales strategy, and persuasion techniques.
Sales training also teaches business owners how to read customer reactions and respond appropriately.
It can be conducted in-person or online, and can be tailored to the needs of the individual or company.
Sales training is important because it helps salespeople understand their customers, build relationships, and close deals.
What Is A High-Ticket Sales Funnel & Can It Help?
A high-ticket sales funnel is designed to convert qualified leads into high-paying customers through a series of targeted and personalized interactions.
The first step is to attract potential customers to your business through targeted marketing campaigns, such as paid advertising or search engine optimization (SEO).
Once you have captured a lead’s interest, the next stage is to nurture them through a series of touchpoints that provide value and build trust.
This may involve providing personalized content, hosting webinars or events, or offering free consultations or demos.
As the lead becomes more interested in your product or service, the next stage is to present them with an irresistible offer that addresses their specific needs and concerns.
This could involve a personalized sales call, as covered in our sales training, a customized proposal, or a tailored package that includes additional services or features.
The final stage of the high-ticket sales funnel is to close the sale and provide an exceptional customer experience that encourages repeat business and referrals.
This may involve providing ongoing support, follow-up calls or emails, or exclusive access to additional resources or services.
If you want to learn more, be sure to watch our sales training video above.
How Working With A Sales Coach Can Help You
Working with a sales coach can provide numerous benefits for your coaching business.
A sales coach can provide personalized guidance, support, and sales training to help you identify and address areas for improvement in your sales process.
They can also provide valuable insights and expertise based on their experience working with other businesses in your field.
One of the key benefits of working with a sales coach is that they can help you develop a clear and effective sales strategy that is tailored to your business and target audience.
This can involve identifying your unique selling proposition, refining your value proposition, and developing a sales funnel that effectively communicates your value to potential customers.
By providing personalized coaching and feedback, they can help you improve your confidence, communication, and effectiveness in sales interactions.
What is High-Ticket Sales Coaching?
High-ticket sales coaching is a specialized form of sales coaching that focuses on helping business owners with closing high ticket sales.
This involves personalised sales training, call reviews, sales scripts and practice calls to help refine your skills.
By working with our team of business coaches, you will learn how to make more sales, get more clients and grow your business.
High-Ticket Sales Training For Coaches
High-ticket sales training can be particularly beneficial for sales coaches looking to enhance their skills and increase their value to clients.
By specializing in high-ticket sales, coaches can develop a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities associated with selling high-priced products and services.
Through high-ticket sales training, coaches can learn best practices and strategies for attracting and converting high-paying customers, as well as how to optimize sales funnels to maximize revenue and profitability.
They can also learn how to effectively communicate the value of high-ticket products and services, as well as how to build trust and credibility with potential customers.
Sales training is an important part of any successful business.
Coaches can play a big role in sales training by providing guidance and expertise to their clients.
If you’re looking for a sales coach to help you reach your goals, we invite you to contact us.
In this video, I’m going to show you how to sell a product or service for over $2,000 and do it in a single 30 minute phone call. Hi. My name is Connor Marriott from Instinct Education. We help business owners grow. Let’s learn about sales training. In this video, I’m going to show you how to sell a high ticket product or service, meaning something over $2,000 in a single phone call. So if right now you have a product or service that you’re selling for more than $2,000, or if you have a product or service that you would like to start selling for more than $2,000. The best way to do that is by doing a phone call. That’s what this sales training is going to cover. Now, most people are either in one or two situations when they’re looking at selling their product or service online. Number one is that they want to automate the process entirely. What that means is that they would like to send traffic to a sales page and not have to interact with people at all. If that is your long-term goal, that’s fine. However, I would suggest if you’re starting out, to start with a phone call, because there are a lot of benefits to that. If you are selling someone to a static sales page, you don’t know why that person is not buying your product or service. However, on a sales call, it’s dynamic, you can ask questions, you can ask them why they didn’t purchase it, or what concerns they have. By doing a few sales calls, with the right sales training, you can understand your market, understand the psychology. Then when you go to automate the sales process, you know what sort of information you need to put on that sales page to ensure people actually buy your product or service. The second group of people would be those of you whose high-ticket sales process is far too laborious or drawn out. I remember when I first started out selling digital marketing, I didn’t have any sales training. My high ticket sales process would be, I would generate a meeting with a business owner. I would drive to where they worked. I would have an initial meeting and I’d ask them some questions. Then, I would drive home and I’d put together a presentation. I’d then drive back a few days later and show the presentation to them. Then, if they told me it was good, I would drive home again, write up a proposal, then drive back a few days after that and go through the proposal with them. If they agreed, I would then go back home, write up an invoice, send it through them and then wait for them to pay the invoice before I started work. This was extremely drawn out. It was extremely tedious, and I thought this was the only way that you could sell high ticket services. But I later found out that it is possible to sell high ticket coaching services with a single 30 minute phone call. So that’s what I’m going to show you how to do in this sales training video. Sales Training Mindset: So the most important thing to understand when you’re selling high ticket over the phone is to understand that your job is not to sell. That might sound a bit counterintuitive, but if you’re trying to sell a prospects, the prospects will be very resistant. They’ll put up walls and barriers, and it’ll be very difficult to actually help that prospect and make a good decision. Instead, your job should be to diagnose the prospect situation and then offer a solution. The best way to think about this would be to imagine that you’re a doctor. Let’s say you went into a doctor’s office and you had a broken arm. The doctor is going to tell you, “Hey, here’s what you can do to fix this problem. To mend that broken arm. ” If you then said, “No. I don’t want to do that. I’m happy with my broken arm.“ The doctor would not force you to do anything. The doctor would just say, “Okay. Well, I mean, that’s your decision. You should probably do this, but at the end of the day, it’s up to you.” That’s the sort of mindset and framing you want to have on a sales call. Your job is to assess the prospect’s current situation. If you can help, you can offer a solution, you can prescribe an outcome. If that person wants to solve that problem, they’ll take the solution, if not, that’s on them. So your job is not to hard sell or be pushy with anyone. Your job is to help them understand the situation, understand that you can offer a solution, and then guide them to make that decision on their own. So how exactly do you do that? Sales Training Process: Well, there’s four phases of the sales call. The first phase is all about finding the problem. In this section, you want to ask the prospect questions to identify what their current problem is. So let’s say you help people with weight loss. You might ask a question like, what is your biggest challenge when it comes to weight loss? You let the prospect tell them what they’re struggling with. You might say, “How long have you face this problem? What have you tried to fix this problem? Why do you think it’s so hard to solve this problem? Or, “Why haven’t you been able to solve this problem up until now?” Basically what we want to do is we want to get a very good understanding of where this prospect is and what specific problems they face. Sales Training Process Step Two: The next step is identifying the prospect’s goal. So once you know the problem, we can then ask what this prospect wants to achieve. What is their goal? What is their dream outcome? When they tell you their outcome, it’s very important that you ask, why? Because all of the people say they want an outcome. Let’s say you’re helping people with their business, and a prospect tells you they want to make more money. Well, just because I want to make more money, unless they’re emotionally invested in that outcome, it’s very unlikely they’ll follow through to achieve it. So it’s really important when you ask someone their goal, don’t just ask the goal, ask, why that is their goal? What would change if they had achieved that goal? Because we want to understand the emotional drive behind it. It’s not just for our benefit to sell them into anything, it’s for their benefit, sales training. If they don’t have a clear emotional driver, if they don’t have a why behind their goal, then it’s very unlikely they will do the steps required to achieve it. So the first step is identify the problem, then you want to identify the goal. High-Ticket Sales Training Process Step Three: From there, step number three is identifying the prospect’s level of urgency. How important is this to them right now? Is this something they’re looking to solve now? Or is it something that they’re not really that interested in? So you can ask questions like, when are you looking to solve this problem? Obviously we want the prospect to say, “Now,” once they do, you can then ask, “Why is this important now? ” Again, you’re going to get these emotional factors, these drivers that are going to help the prospect understand that this is a priority in their life. You could also ask a question like, what happens if you don’t figure this out? Again, that’s going to bring up some of the emotion behind why this is important. You could even ask a question like, why not just stay where you are? So let’s say someone, again, wants to lose weight and you ask them what their goal is. You know where they currently are, and you ask, I’ve got a question. Why not just stay where you are? When you ask a question like that, again, the prospect’s going to share the emotional drivers behind why it’s important to change and why they need to change now. This is going to help the prospect understand the urgency, and therefore it’s going to help them make a decision to solve the problem. Step Four In The Sales Training Script: The final step in the sales process is what most people would call the pitch. However, this is where the vast majority of salespeople mess things up. When most people get to this stage, they’ll start to talk about all of the things their product or service does. They’ll talk and talk and talk, and basically overwhelm the prospect so that the prospect doesn’t make a decision. These types of people should have done more sales training. A good example, or a good analogy to understand this would be, let’s say you needed to go to the shop to buy a fork. Because your kitchen, you’re running out of forks and you need one new fork. But the only option the shop had was a set of 100 forks and knives and spoons, and they didn’t have a single fork. In that situation, you’re not going to buy the set because you’re going to feel like you’re overpaying. You have one small problem, you need one fork, and the only solution is something that has 100 forks and knives and spoons. So this is basically what happens when you’re on a sales training or call. If the prospect has one specific problem, let’s say you’re helping them with weight loss, and the only thing they care about is getting a diet that’s going to be enjoyable for them to stick to. In your pitch, all you should speak about is that one thing, because if you start to talk about the amazing workout programs you’re going to help them with, or the supplements you’re going to help them take, or all these other things that the prospect doesn’t care about. They’re going to feel like they’re overpaying, because in their minds they only want to solve this one solution. Now, if your product or service offers those things as well, that’s fine. You can give them to the prospect as well, but when you’re selling them, you only want to focus on the one or two things that are the most important to the prospect. So the way you do this is after you’ve gone through the question phase of the call, where you ask the prospect about their problems, you ask them about their goals and you understand the urgency. Sales Training Pitch Then, all you need to do is say something like, “So what do you want my help with? ” When you say that, the prospect will tell you exactly what they want. They might say, “Well, I want help with a new diet to lose weight,” or if you help people with business growth they might say, “Well, I need more leads for my business,” and then all you need to say is, “Great. That’s exactly what we do. Do you have any questions for me? ” When you say that, the prospect will now ask questions that are most relevant to them. You don’t need to tell them random information that they don’t care about. They’re going to ask you the things that are most important to them. By doing that, you’re customizing the pitch to them. You’re basically confirming that you can help them achieve what they want, and then they’ll ask you the specific questions that are most relevant to them. Then, once they have all the information they need, they can make a decision. That’s really as simple as it needs to be. You don’t need to over-complicate it. Sales training sound be simple. You basically just need to help the prospect understand what their problems are, what their goals are, the emotional drivers behind those goals. Get the prospect to understand the urgency of solving this problem now, and then simply say that you can help achieve that goal. Then, they might ask some questions, you answer the questions, and then you just say, “Cool. What’s next? Where do you want to go from here? ” Then, the prospect will be like, “Well, I guess I’ll get started. How much is it? ” and then you can tell them the price. That really is the sales process. I see so many people online over-complicating this, saying you need these big fancy pictures and these fancy presentations and slide decks, and all this stuff. It’s really not necessary. If you can get a very clear understanding of the prospect’s pains, their problems, their goals, and a sense of urgency, and you can position yourself as the perfect solution to those problems. Then the prospect will move forward. Now, one question you might have is about objections, because in a lot of sales training, people talk about, you need to memorize how to handle every single objection. But if you understand what the objections are, they actually become very simple. Very simple. Nine times out of 10, if a prospect gives you an objection, they’re simply trying to delay a decision. People do not like to make decisions, and so they rather delay, they’ll say, “Let me think about it,” or, “Let me speak to my partner. I’ll get back to you. ” All they’re doing is delaying a decision, because people don’t like making the wrong decisions. So they would rather delay or push off a decision, even if they really want the outcome that you can help them achieve. So all you need to do in this situation is reframe how the prospect is viewing the situation and is viewing making decisions. This is important sales training because people will think that by thinking about it or delaying, they’re not making a decision. All you need to do is simply explain to them that if you don’t move forward, you are making a decision, because really there’s two decisions to make. The decision number one is don’t do anything, decision number two is move forward with this. There are two decisions, but only one decision has the potential to solve your problem. So which of the two decisions would you like to make? Decision A, which is doing nothing, doing what you’ve been doing, and not moving forward towards your goal. Or decision B, which is giving this a go and having the chance to solve this problem once and for all. Which decision would you prefer to make? By doing that, the prospect understands that regardless of what they do, they’re making a decision. So they’ll be more likely to make the decision that moves them towards their goal, and therefore, more likely to get started with your product or service. Now, there are other ways you could handle objections. If that’s something you’re interested in, let me know in the comments and I can create other videos tackling different types of objections. But the way you want to handle objections is simply reframing the prospect to help them understand that the way they’re thinking about things is not the most beneficial to help achieve their goal. So by reframing them, giving them new insights as to how they make decisions, they’ll be more likely to move forward. So that is the sales process for high ticket sales over the phone. Hopefully you’ve enjoyed this sales training. If you have a questions, let me know. If you did get value out of this, be sure to Subscribe, give us a Like, and post any questions or sales training comments below, we’ll do our best to answer them. So thanks for watching, and hopefully I’ll see you in the next one. High-Ticket Sales Questions:
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